I ask because I was looking online for tips on flirting via texting. One of the tips was, “Don’t use emojis. Do you think James Bond use emojis? Probably not.” But it really got me thinking. I find that I use emojis quite a bit in texting. I don’t see anything wrong with them.
I remember once in the 64 game, there was a snow level and I didn't realise the enemy kept respawning so I just sniper them for ages and ages until I realised they just wouldn't stop coming lol.
I don't care for them... I don't know about James Bond. No sooner would I denounce them than find Daniel Craig on the silver screen using one of them. Or whoever the next Bond will be for that matter. I tried the other day to use a smiley face, but the input method for parentheses is screwy, such that it automatically puts ( instead of ). So my smiley kept coming out frowny. Whatever. Doesn't work.. I would have to put the : on the other side of ( and to me, that would be backwards!
well i'm not bond, brook bond, nor jamie retief nor archer, but i find mundane little yellow circles more annoying then useful. now if they looked like little cats, or kitsunes or something, that would be different, and those do exist and are available, even if very few sites have adopted them. bond is ok for a human, at least, i think its cool that he can look and act cool and remain doing so when in the seriusly deep doo doo.