Hi all, My daughter has 3 daughters,aged 3,6,and 8.She rang me yesterday as she is becoming concerned about the 3 yr old's diet.About a month ago,the GD stopped eating vegetables.Everyone in the family apart from GD eats fruit and veg.Consequently the GD has now started suffering from constipation,to the point of spending some days just crying because she is finding it very uncomfortable.My daughter has tried "hiding"veg in bolognaise sauces etc,tried offering raw veg with dips (The GD just eats the dip lol).GD does eat some fruits but I guess she just eat enough roughage/fibrous veg to go to the toilet regularly.Has anyone had any experience with maybe their own kids going through this?What did you do?Did they grow out of it?Any advice would be greatly appreciated.TIA
Thanks PR! We'd rather not go down the pill popping route at her age but thankyou for your suggestion. I was looking more for recipes we could try,and maybe another parent whos child had gone through the same thing diet wise.
Pill popping is terrible. Asking Hip Forums for advice is the natural path. You're sure to only receive sound advice.
Not really sure how fiber supplements, probiotics and multivitamins amount to "pill popping." We're not talking Adderal here, but whatever. You would think that if she's so constipated that she's in pain, you would probably want to resort to what works and provides relief as opposed to what sounds good (or what you want to hear).
Let her cook her own food, then help cook the family food..sometimes its physiological..kids are a lot more clever than you think.. plus if you do nothing, other things can develop at her age.. But...you have to get her interested in food..good luck.. ps, we have a very similar problem, with a very sick girl...we found this works brilliant, right down to shopping.. if she wants it..let her cook it!
Gelatin can be at help with digestive issue and constipation. My wife lets our son eat gelatin. We’ve noticed tremendous benefits in our son, and I’ve also seen daily gelatin help keep bowels regular and smooth.