i've been thinking lately that it would be a good idea for worldwide all unisex toilets,becos it would make life a lot easier for all transgender people.what ye think ?
I agree with you. Still have female and male for those who might feel uncomfortable with a unisex, but have unisex also. Back in the 80's, when I used a unisex bathroom for the first time in a club, I was uncomfortable.
well wobs in the kinda unisex toilets i'm thinking off,you would'nt be seeing anyboby going to the toilet anyway,cos they would be just one set of toilets for everybody.like ya know the same toilet room,but all different little toilets with their own private doors ta lock,just like in a regular ladies toilet room.
ya the france ones are fine,but theres no privacy in them.like if they were all like regular ladies toilets then eveybody can still have their privacy as well.
I think there are a lot of places that need some work on gender equality before they even think about unisex bathrooms.
Uh, yeah because the VAST population of transgender people around the world, (maybe 10,000 total) really need a place to pee comfortably.
Not sure how I would feel about that--I do like the sentiment. I think it might make me uncomfortable to have men in the same bathroom as me. Maybe that is a personal bias. Why not just have men/women bathrooms and the transgendered person can use whichever bathroom they feel comfortable with? Or just have single toilet "unisex" restroom?
In YOUR world, perhaps. But seriously, when there are countries where women can't even show their faces, you really think they ought to be popping a squat in the same room as men?
ya you could have just single unit ones.they'd be fine for some places ,but for big hotels an places where theres lots of people coming an going all the time it would cause queing and having ta wait to long ta go to the toilet.well men/ women toilets are what would be unisex.i was in one last night and they work really well i think for everybodys needs.
well the same could be said for countries where goverments have a claus in where transgender people will only be recogonised legally if they get sterilized first.
So unisex bathrooms is your amazing solution to all these problems that REALLY need to be worked out first?
unisex toilets is a solution for peoples toilets needs and privacy rights.like in the mean time people still need to go to the toilet everyday.having to be sterilized to be aknowleged legally as a male or female hopfully will overturned also by human rights activists in the future.