I really liked this movie.. The zombies are actually called zombies and they run full speed. They are not cognizant beyond primal instincts and the action is really intense. Its like walking dead meets 28 days later. as far as I can tell, there aren't too many plot holes or unrealistic circumstances. I highly recommend this to anyone who likes apocalyptic or zombie flicks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcwTxRuq-uk"]World War Z - Official Trailer (HD) - YouTube
I liked it a lot too. Definitely one of the best zombie movies I've seen. I've heard a lot of criticism of it though.
I loved this movie! Especially when I watched it in 3D, it's made for 3D, I'd suggest if you haven't watched it in 3D to check it out, it's even more amazing, the attention to detail, the way everything is layered is just amazing to say the least. The movie itself was a really good story, it's intense, keeps on the edge of your seat at part, it's was amazing.
I hate these movies, this one may have been just okay, but for the stupid plane crash. No one lets a bomb off in a plane makes just a hole and then survives. I hate that poser Cruise as well, he ruins every movie he is in.