Personally I don't think reaching out to Space is the answer. The costs would be astronomical. For me, better governance of our planet is the way forward. Congratulations. You win a prize.
I read somewhere but now don't remember where that we actually grow enough food to feed the world's hungry but we just don't because of the hassle and the cost. Who foots the bill? I think the answer is we have to find a way. If taxes are part of a social initiative to feed the hungry you can count me in. I think so much more can be done to address social problems such as hunger and poverty.
Lol @ going to space. Government won't even give homeless anything I doubt they're going to launch trillions of dollars into a space farm to help out, unless they can mine for material to make a new bomb or something.
I think cows on Mars would be interesting. We could first colonize some grassy placed and put cows there in space suits. Now the cows eat the grass, and fart methane .. We can greenhouse gas the Mars atmosphere in the meantime creating humongous cows .. Process the cows and ship them frozen back to Earth and open McMars restaurants all over the place. Thus ending world hunger.. :scholar:
If we can terraform mars then why not terraform the sahara desert. I dont get it. Im a critic of Neil Degrasse Tyson, but he says if we can make other planets livable, we can make this planet livable.
Agree, however lets work on this planet before we go to others. Why make another utopian planet that we take care of when we dont take care of our own?
They probably can't Terraform anything anyway so they won't fix earth because they can't so they just make up stuff which none of us will ever see in our lives and therefore are completely naive to it all. But we know science fiction sells. So science fiction is what they're selling and it's what most people buy into.
Exactly. Why cure the earth when we can escape it and go into space? Plenty of resources up there lol
Too bad we will exhaust the earth of materials to reach the space age lol. Gone have to wait for more aliens to come to us.
Funny, what percentage of the world dies of hunger? If it has not killed you then it is not the problem they make it out to be. I am hingry right now, and yesterday I missed two meals of the day! Omg I went hungry! I think it is a good idea to send them to space to live, then I won't have to watch those money grabbing, bleeding heart commercials anymore. I found this laughable, without supplying the data for their numbers they just toss it out there, sounds like propaganda bs the UN is pushing out with their agenda. So not only is starvation, lack of resources a problem but they manage to bring war into the equation, refugees, and climate change into it. I have yet to see a skeletal refugee or immigrant and I see a lot of them daily!
I think the advanced technology that can potentially be developed is elegant in such a way that it won't be this big bulky mechanical mess that uses tons of material and fuel. Once the lid gets blown off all this bullshit we call technology and we enter a new paradigm, a spacecraft that is capable of transporting a small group of people to the other side of the universe in the blink of an eye may be light weight enough that it only takes a few people to lift it.
Are you malnourished? Do you have stunted growth and development from lack of nourishment in childhood?