Do you set goals? Short, mid and long term Seems i always do, not even consciously my actions work towards it. Whats your take on goals? Whether they are helpful or not.
goats are mostly harmless. i've never had a place where i could have them. known several people over the years who did though.
i've always found goals, at least if i announced them, to be somewhat of a jinx. of course i have preferences, desires, what have you. for one thing they seem to distract me from the very sense i would need to achieve them. so i do have, things i'd like to do, things i'd like to see happen, but i have to be very careful not to let them get in their own way. and of course yes, lots of alternative paths. things to do, which might be just as gratifying in different ways.
With goals something has gotta give. To save money to do things, I get to do less while waiting. Goals for me are difficult.
well everything is tradeoffs. its not the little green pieces of paper that are unhappy. but with everyone else trying to make everything have to be about money, its good to have some stashed in reserve if you can.
I loved everything about our pet goat except how she bleated non-stop in the backyard every time anybody was out in the front yard. She wanted alot of attention. She loved playing with the dogs.
I set short term goals. I make extensive lists for all the mundane stuff that must be done. I've found if I focus on the short term the long term usually falls into place, whereas sometimes when I set long term goals I lose where I should be in the moment. If that makes sense.
if i ever get a large property goats will be my second animal border collie or australian shepherd buddy will be the first
i suppose i do, although i don't really think about it. there's things i want to accomplish and whatnot, but i never really think of it as "this is my goal."
I I seem to have adopted this method with guidence learned how to achieve larger, more harder to attain goals, by seting small, realistic, practical goals. And as i successfully move thru them also develop confidents. so when the time comes to tackle your larger goal, you are already half way done in meand of confidents, thru experince And overall understanding. Than the larger goal is not so large .and accomplished with skill, sincerity, and determination. But rat up here is right too. But from my understanding there is a difference between dreaming, and visualizing. But if i visualize where i expect to be. This always helps. Basically guarantees that u will have a succcessful completetion.
Sure. When I was younger, I would write down my goals on a list etc, I don't really do that anymore. But I have larger goals and ambitions now, a couple of long term goals that I've been working toward for a couple years and will probably spend another 5-10 years working towards. I mainly just need to save a lot of money, which is pretty easy. I'm good at sacrificing luxury and comfort. I've also been getting rather creative with it, it's amazing what great gains you can get from taking small steps.