So I came home and immediately stripped of my typical boring shirt and tie for my regular at home attire, nude. Now I am catching up on some work in the nude thinking to myself "now why can't I go to work nude"
When I had my online orientation for school in September, I didn't realize it was a video chat thing with all my classmates, and was sitting at my computer stark ass naked. I had to book it to the bedroom real quick when a bunch of faces popped up on my computer screen. It was REALLY funny. Needless to say, I always make sure I have clothes on when I attend online lecture now.
No. Not the best first impression, and I have no desire to make other people uncomfortable in that type of situation.
Soon after entering home back from office, I remove my clothes and stay naked. When my husband comes, he also stays in a state of nature. We both relax, work and sleep nude till next morning, except we have to go out. On off days, we enjoy maximum as we usually don't go out.
I work from home most days and you'll find me naked 90% of the time. I keep some basketball shorts and a t-shirt close by so I can run to the door and sign for packages. Luckily, I'm on the top floor with a semi-private balcony as I spend time there naked as well. Good stuff.
Haha I just started a new job working from home. Hmm, maybe this would make the day more interesting?
Potentially yes - especially on a video conference call. At minimum you'll be much more comfy. Two big benefits of working from home - the dresscode and the commute!
just keep a cover over your camera, and keep a shirt nearby to toss on. same as my principle of doorpants. if I'm here by myself, I'm naked, but I have a pair of pants by the door in case someone shows up. unfortunately, I'm rarely 'alone' anymore. and both people are ridiculously anti-nudity. one to the point where they complained about me being in boxer briefs, and was perfectly fine with me wearing basketball shorts of the same size. it's like 'hey.. no difference here, except with the basketball shorts, you're more likely to see a misplaced ball.' it's totally mental, it is. it's like bathing trunks are ok, but underwear's not? really?
I'm actually wanting to explore nudism greater, tbh. but yeah. until I can get some alone time, I have people complaining at me here. boo.
which is ridiculous, one changed my diapers, and the other used to sleep with me (yep, she's an ex. at least she's one that is neither crazy or horrible, so.. ) and the one that used to sleep with me is now a friend, and she goes down to hang out with her boyfriend and their poly group. so it's like 'this, and you're afraid of seeing me naked? wtf?'
i try not to work from home if i can avoid it; gotta have that work/life balance somehow. that said, i can get work related phone calls 24 hours a day, so i've definitely talked to my coworkers and employees naked. the best is talking to an annoying employee while sitting on the toilet.
I work from home. Do some of my best work when naked. Love talking with people while I'm naked. One time, the phone rang, i just answered it, it was a facetime call and there I was naked. All she could see was from the waist up but she did ask if I was naked and I said it was the best way to be. She agreed and we continued the conversation. Now, everytime she calls, she asks if I'm naked, 'Of course' is the answer.
One positive side-effect of the mandatory shelter-in-place situation in many parts of the world due to the COVID-19 crisis is that many people can now work naked. These days, I almost never have to get dressed. I can be naked at home, working or not. My job has team meetings every day, but connecting your video is usually optional. If I need/want to use video I can just throw on a shirt for a few minutes. If you can't go nude, they at least can't tell you're not wearing pants. For me, going nude, including working nude, is a great way to de-stress. I recommend keeping a piece of tape over your camera to prevent "accidents". My team is getting used to working from home, it's becoming "the new normal", so there's a good chance we might continue working this way in the future, after this otherwise terrible crisis is all over. I hope other teams and companies will make this change too so that a lot of people will be able to continue working naked, or at least working without pants... Stay healthy, stay naked.