Ever hear or see a word, name or thing you've never heard of or seen before, then you hear or see that same word, name or thing again a day or two later? Is it because we're now familiar with the word/thing and therefore pick up on it, or just a freak occurrence?
it's the government picking up your thoughts from fake cell towers and reading your emails listening to your phone calls then sending all that info back to you because you're special
That happens to me all the time. Except it's never just twice. I hear of a word I never heard and then for the next week or two that word is everywhere. I think it would prolly be explained the same way people explain the phenomenon of how sometimes we think of a person we haven't thought about in a very long time and then right away or within a day or two that person calls you or emails you or you see them or something... the way I heard that explained is.... we just don't remember all the times we think about someone and then we don't hear from or see them but we remember much more the times that we do. I'm sure it's the same thing.
I've had this happen many times. Not sure what the significance might be, if there is any significance. There are other kinds of 'co-incidences' that happen too. The only kind of explanation I can think of would be some kind of field theory as suggested by Rupert Sheldrake.
No... but I have been listening to people then realized that all the words I was listening to were alien and had no significance whatsoever. That's always fun It can be the most ordinary words, too, that give me the greatest difficulty. And no, I'm not dyslexic. This only happens sometimes - I'm an excellent reader and decent listener most of the times, but occasionally I'll get hung up on one word and read or say it over and over, saying to myself, this doesn't make sense, and then the entire english language will be that way too... and then the episode ends weird
When I first started seeing "Lol" everywhere I thought it was some pervy reference to Nabakov's Lolita,but then MamaPeace informed me it stood for "Little Old Ladies"...
a cop told me some words then another cop told me the same thing! I think they travel in packs. when will hunting season open to the public?
Those fake cell towers or GWEN Towers (Ground Wave Emergency Network) are relics of the cold war. Today they’re being used to control the thoughts of hundreds of very select individuals like PR Hotwater
There is a word for that phenomenon, PR. THE BAADER-MEINHOF PHENOMENON http://www.damninteresting.com/the-baader-meinhof-phenomenon/
Yes, every once in awhile! I thought about it and I'm not sure. Could be a mixture of both being familiar with a (for you) new word, a freak occurence like the feeling of deja vu, or in some cases it could even be as simple as actually being a relatively new word in our own surroundings.
Like how "selfie" caught on so fast.I'm not sure quite why,but I have a real aversion to that word.Maybe it was that photo of Obama and Cameron at the Mandela funeral.
I also have real aversions to words like selfie and twerking. Words that- it's like all the sudden these are news things. Even though people have been doing both of those things for ages.
I used the word "hypothetically" this week and swear to god I've heard like 4 people say it too. Hypothetically, it's almost impossible to be hearing that word spoken outside of our native tongue but theoretically I guess it happened. Whaaaaa?