Fred Rogers has always been one of my heros. What are some of your memories of him/his show that you have? I watched it everyday as a kid and it was such a meditative and wholesome show. Loved it.. my kids watch Daniel Tigers neighborhood now. Not the same,but hey what are you gonna do...
"There is something fancy about every creature in our world, and there’s something fine about each one of us, too – each person, each fish, each animal, each bird, each living creature. The important thing for us is to look for what’s fine in everybody, and that will help us to want to take care of everybody, and give us a really good feeling."
He was not on PBS when I was a kid. Not when I watched at least because I only remember Sesame St and Wishbone. I really respect his message though. His sweater game was always on point too.
I was too little to remember anything about it, but I used to love that show. I think I would cry when it was over!
“My mother, for as long as I could remember, made at least one sweater every month,” Rogers told in 1999. “She would give us each a hand-knit sweater every Christmas. Until she died those zipper sweaters that I wore on the ‘Neighborhood’ were all made by my mother.” Even after Rogers’ mother’s passing, the show kept up the tradition of the zip-up cardigan. “Over the years those sweaters wore out or were donated to charity events. One is in the Smithsonian along with a pair of his sneakers,” Whitmer said. “When his mother passed away, the collection began to dwindle and we had to start buying them. Not an easy challenge in the ’80s and ’90s. It certainly wasn’t in style! But we found company who made cotton ones that were similar, so we bought a bunch and dyed them.”
I watched Mr. Rogers as a kid but I didnt fully appreciate how extraordinary he was until I was an adult. His defense of PBS in front of Congress really made me fall in love with him
I used to watch his show back in the 70s with my little brother and sister. On one episode Mr. Rogers gave out a recipe for some kind of banana, brown sugar, cinnamon thing and I wrote it down. It was one of those things kids were supposed to do with a parent. Anyway, my mother kept that in her recipe box and I have it still to this day.
Urban legend is that he had his car stolen and had it returned with a not apologizing because they did not know it was his car. Maybe he was so calm yet bad ass that even thieves respected him.