One of my favorite reporters, Lauren Southern, goes to a women's rights rally and asks the simple question to activists, "Would you rather have women's rights, or Islam?" Holy shit! Just look at the flabbergasted reactions of these marchers! They know neither one is compatible with the other. My favorite line has to be when she said "their husbands probably didn't let them come." I love this woman. I want to make beautiful blonde haired Canadian American babies with her.
You really like that, huh.? Bigots don't appeal to me. Her "beautiful blonde hair" masks an empty head and an ugly heart--very shallow. The question is typical of the divisive propaganda stunts Altright Milo lovers glory in. She offers a false choice. f course non-Muslim women in this country don't have to accept traditional Muslim mores. Traditional Muslim women may accept customs that liberated feminists find restrictive. So what's your solution? Rip off their hijabs? Force the Muslim women to conform to western values? Kick the Muslims out? Anything to stir the pot and get people to hate each other.
In some parts of the Muslim world, women have more rights than women in the right to equal pay for equal work. In some parts of the Muslim world women have to right to speak their own ethnic language and have their children learn that language in public school, as in the case of Kurdish schools. In America, some women are told to speak English or go back to where you came from. In the Muslim world women have the right to public health care...not so in America. Just ask Trump...sad.
In most of the Middle East, women can wear what they want. Only in extreme places like Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Afghanistan they are required to observe the local religious laws. Go to Dubai or Istanbul and see for your self. Morocco has some wonderful beaches.
Hehe I knew someone was gonna come along and play the bigot/racist card on me. Didn't think it'd be you. Just so you know, blonde hair is a recessive gene, and I happen to be a blonde male. When two blonde parents get together, their offspring all turn blonde. Under Sharia law, a woman's testimony is worth only half that of a man's in the sharia court. Why flood a liberal nation with a culture full of non-liberal views that are so religiously right wing they make Breitbart look like the Huffingpaint post? With bringing in an Islamic majority, you risk undoing 100 years worth of liberal human rights accomplishments. Rip Hijabs? No, Muslim women can wear whatever they want. But if you're in a country that won't stone or cane you for refusing it, it's kind of silly to be wearing one IMO. Conform to western values? I'm sure they'd find a lot more freedom and appreciate liberation with western values by escaping from a REAL patriarchy (not the fake feminist conspiracy theory). Kick the Muslims out? I don't hate Muslims. I lived with one for a year as a roommate. I just don't like religion. I'll give Islam the benefit of the doubt though; I think in a few hundred more years they'll undergo a reformation and leave their old ways behind.
Liberals defend the freedom to practice any religion, this has been a liberal philosophy for hundreds of years. And I assume some liberals, such as myself, know that Muslim women living in the US or Canada or wherever are protected by the same liberal laws that allow everyone else to live peacefully in a free society too. And know that they want to live a peaceful life without being demonized because some have perverted Islam it into a violent cult. I just dont get why this confuses people. Liberals arent defending the Taliban or IS or oppressive governments like Saudi Arabia, they defend normal people who want to live normal lives without being demonized. End rant Just as a fun fact, when there was a women's march in my town one of the key speakers was a Muslim woman. It seemed like she was well enough able to practice her religion while simultaneously enjoying the freedoms that women are entitled to under US law.
Wearing a hijab may have its advantages. My wife commented that all you'd need to do is roll out of bed, put one on and be good to go without a lot of fuss, muss, and bother. Also, some non-Muslim ladies have taken to wearing them to avoid being oogled from showing too much skin. I think the greatest threat to liberal values in the United States comes from Christian religious fundamentalism and the values that Trump, Bannon and Milo promote. The defeat of Roy Moore was a minor victory in the struggle against that threat. We aren't close to an Islamic majority in this country, but a significant part of Trump's base are fundamentalist rightwing Christians who think he'll reverse policies favorable to gays and abortion. Moore's defeat will hopefully help to turn that around and expose his handler Bannon for the phony he is.
Our fears about people covering their face is not primarily about womem's rights. It is simply our fears of what is hiding underneath it. Here in the UK, it is an offence to wear a balaclava or motorcycle helmet inside a bank and also to wear a helmet in the street unless you own a nearby motorcycle. During the Iraq war, soldiers were fooled and sometimes killed by male terrorists wearing a hijab. Once the problem of Islamic terrorism is solved, no one will care about what Muslim women are wearing.
The links between the Muslim religion and terrorism are about the most misunderstood subject on the planet. The failure of the Muslim church is that each mosque is independent of any higher command, with no bishops (or similar) that the mosque answers to. This makes them open to intimidation and threats of death from terrorist extremists. Islam has simply hijacked the Muslim religion and twisted passages of the Koran to suit it's violent beliefs. The bible is full of references of people being 'struck down'. I don't use this as an excuse to run around London wielding an axe.
Oh those damn Christians. This is such a scapegoat for those who can't fathom islam facing constructive criticism. Yes, there's barbaric cruelty in the bible, and there are good lessons in the Quran, and vice versa. Those who kill in the name of Islam are not going against their religion. Jesus told us to love thy enemy, Muhammad taught us to conquer and subjugate thy enemy But I can at least recognize that Islam is the worst of the major world religions. We should be lucky that most Muslims don't follow the code of Muhammad, just as we don't see too many Christians following the code of Christ. How are the Christians a huge threat to liberal human rights accomplishments? Not baking gay wedding cakes? C'mon dude, everywhere Islam prevails as the majority, you'll find political tyranny. I think hijabs and burkas are hilarious. Especially for a homophobic religion to prevent the male gaze upon the fairer sex. Meanwhile the men segregate from the women and pray together with their bums up in the air. What's more important to you, sharia law or liberalism?