For those women out there who have experienced both the average sized cock (5-6.5”+) and above average (7+) which did you prefer and why. Obviously answers will vary but that’s the point. I’d really like to gauge all answers and see what it’s like.
I prefer average for good orgasmic sex. Obviously there's moments where I want to be stretched and feel it deep but I guess the big guys I experienced sort of rush it because they know they big and tend to cum quick or just to rough
I guess it depends. Average is perfectly good. But right now, I'm in a size fetish so I'm preferring them much larger!
Sometimes you just want that massive cock to stretch u out and overwhelm u into thinking that sex w average men might not satisfy u ever again. It's a feeling I crave sometimes. But large doesn't always mean good sex. His size doesn't make him good in bed. Minute men exist in all sizes. It's extremely disappointing when you're craving it and he cums quick. I've had amazing sex with huge men and average men. It's not the size that makes the man
I have found that my vagina is less willing to stretch than it used to be, and average (and even small) erections are most comfortable now. I still don't have any strong preference regarding size.
how do you measure a cock? Up? out? at its longest point? I know only when its hard but which direction?