Which guy would you date Guy 1) 6’0 tall, average looks, good personality, funny, great body, great dresser Guy 2) 5’9 tall, really good looking, good personalty, funny, great body, great dresser So basically if two guys were identically the same, but one was 6ft but had average looks, apposed to someone who was shorter, 5’9ish but was really good looking. Honestly, which one would you pick? Also please mention how tall you are aswell as your age… THANKS
I would date the taller one and fuck the smaller one on the side....eventually the one with the most money will win
Which one is kind and compassionate? Which one plays video games or watches sports? Does one want to live off grid? Which one has mommy issues? Which one is childless, or has adult children living independently? Which one knows the difference between pink and magenta? Which one has a broad taste in music?
they are both kind video gamers already living off grid without either ever knowing his mother, are childless and colorblind but both trained musicians in all genres? except one is practically a midget at 5'9'' and the other a gargantuan monster at 6 feet
He wants to know if an extra 3 inches makes up for a face that looks like its been run over by a truck
for this to really have any meaning, the good looking guy should have been like 5'4" or something. as it is now, we're just comparing two guys are are basically about average height, but one is much better looking. if the good looking guy was legitimately short, there might be something to discuss.
Yeah, but we don't know him, so somehow it's easier to call him dumbass without feeling bad. Know what I mean?
Depends entirely on which one I feel a connection to, can talk to intelligently, and who can make me smile and laugh. I have had the gorgeous guy with a big dick and a fat wallet, even married him for 10 years. However I have been with the more average size man, who doesn't have money to burn for 17+ years and am much happier by far.
Not to me. One of those guys is shorter than me and one of them isn't. Really there isn't enough info for this dumb game though.