im just curious because women drool over muscle men so if a guy is skinny or a little toned would you still find him hot ? plus all the muscle heads seem to get avg looking women at most and skinny guys or even guys on the heavier side get the pretty women. which boggles my mind if women love muscles how come they are with a guy with a regular body ? wouldnt you want the muscles instead of the skinny guy ?
Well if you've already come to your own conclusion that skinny guys get better looking girls then you've already answered your own question of whether or not girls find skinny guys attractive. I'd personally go for a guy with a little muscle. I don't like skinny jeans either.
maybe not skinny guys but say toned guys. so there is some muscle definition but they are not jacked up either
I feel like you get all your knowledge of women from porn and movies. This combined with the porn star thread....
It's just easier to say that, whatever you are personally, women don't want that. They want the opposite.
Man dude this is the third variation of a previous thread you've made on the subject of women and muscles. No matter how many times and ways people tell you that it is a line of bullshit you still persist on believing it.. Do you not talk to people especially women in real life? I mean what you are talking about is based on stereotype. Most women I know think that the body builder physique/mentality are repugnant. C/S, Rev J
Few people have that really jacked up look unless they're on steroids, or spend half their lives at the gym. I don't think it is a good look, and I don't think most women like guys who are completely jacked. Being skinny, and having a fit, athletic build are two different things.
Can a skinny guy be hot? you ask. Sure, why not? And so can a skinny girl or an overweight girl. So basically anyone can have the ability "to be hot" given the right circumstances, attitude etc!
Thread could be closed after the second post. OP knows the answer (at least subconsciously) which becomes apparent in the first post. Irmi summarized it well in post 2 Ride a horse like Putin and you don't even need the long hair!
Don't forget status. It's not enough to be cool, you need someone else there to confirm the coolness.
^^ I'll see your Mick Jagger and raise you a Steven Tyler: Although not "traditionally" good looking I think Tyler has a certain charisma. C/S, Rev J