Woman Convicted Pleads 'Following Orders'

Discussion in 'America Attacks!' started by K-Town Smackdown, May 23, 2004.

  1. K-Town Smackdown

    K-Town Smackdown Member

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    Ok, I know this some what old news but I'm still very pissed off about this. How could she say she was following orders. We're Americans we know what is right and what isn't. We're not Iraq where they can do this and think it is right. No goverment would ever make their troops do this to prisoners. I say this woman should spend maybe at least 10-20 years in prison for these acts. How can you say you had no part on this and were just following orders when we have over 100 pictures of you commiting these acts. I'm done ranting. What are your thoughts on her testimony?
    P.S. Don't flame me I know this thread has probably already been done.
  2. MaxPower

    MaxPower Kicker Of Asses

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    It's the same excuse the SS officers used during the Nuremburg trials, and they got hanged in an elevator shaft.
  3. HappyHaHaGirl

    HappyHaHaGirl *HipForums Princess*

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    If she were following orders, but thought it was a terrible thing to be doing, what's her explanation for the thumbs up? And all the smiles and the leash and all that shit!? Girls are so stupid... :)

    Let's hang some Nazis!
  4. WayfaringStranger

    WayfaringStranger Corporate Slave #34

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    are you kidding me, wake up buddy. yeah her participating was def wrong and there is no excuse. but if you think theres no blame to be placed on the administration, her comanders, or the american people, your out of your mind.
    do you really think this chick is a lone gunman, wtf man.
  5. Brocktoon

    Brocktoon Banned

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    She isnt a 'lone-gunman' because there were at least three others in on this type of violence-orgy.

    I do put blame on Superiors for somehow just allowing all this to go on unnoticed.
    They may not have been 'condoning' it, but that is no excuse when your entire job and career is actually TO CONTROL your troops!

    In case you havent seen the latest pictures, this 'lady' is seen in the freezer next to the unwrapped head of a Iraqi cadaver... and yep.. she is grinning and giving a big thumbs up!

    Now.. she is trying to say she was ordered to what? Humiliate the bodies of the deceased?
    To get a confession?

    I can't even look at her face (or the other grinning shithead) without feeling sick to my stomach.

    One thing though.... WHY are you seeing these pictures and WHY are these assholes being prosecuted?

    Because ONE brave soldier had the guts to take that film to at least ONE Brave commanding officer.
    Together they initiated the halt of these activities and had the evidence to bust them.

    Any comments on the US soldier who reported the crimes AND the Military people who did NOT cover up the tortures?
  6. katherine

    katherine Member

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    Its quite difficult really to decide how much truth their is in the "only following orders" argument. It is well known that people will often follow the orders of superiors even if they know what they are being asked to do it wrong, not just in the military but in many situations. Its amazing how many times in accidents people do things that they know were dangerous and against regulations, and risked theirs and others lives, just because a superior told them to do it. Thats in everday jobs. In the military they are trained to follow the orders of superiors almost unquestioning. In any case, a convincing argument of why it has to be done, and a bit of "don't worry, i'll take responsibility" goes a long way aswell.
    On the other hand, everyone knows right from wrong, and in most cases the worst that will happen is that you will loose your job or be discharged, although their is the argument that they will get someone else to do it, but often others will stand up and follow them. Sadly another reason people do things they wouldn't normally do is because they see people they respect and trust doing it, not knowing that they don't want to either.
    Of cource though, in the situation of the American (and whilst not proven, I believe British aswell) soldiers who not only did things that they should have known were illigal, against the geneva convention, and totally wrong, their is another factor to take into account. They seemed to be enjoying what they were doing, and worse, even they seem to be hinting that they were not given direct orders (told to "soften up prisoners"), something that could under the worse case scenario end up with both them AND their superiors getting away with it. Their is a big difference between following a direct and explicit order to do something wrong, and following on an implied order.
    Overall, as with all cases I think both those who did it, and those who ordered it should take the blame, and it should keep going up the chain until the original source is found. Sadly, I expect the same as usual will happen, those at the bottom will get done, likely more than they deserve (although in this case they deserve a lot), those directly above them will get slapped wrists, and the rest of them will just fly above any flack. If some civilians can be thrown in to draw fire from the military, even better.
    Justice just seems to mean implicating as few people as possible so the agreaved can have someone to vent their anger on.
    Sorry, its a bit long winded but this whole issue of "following orders" and how much truth their is in it is something that interests me. I should have done Psychology not Maths :rolleyes: .
  7. Megara

    Megara Banned

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    well said katherine
  8. Brocktoon

    Brocktoon Banned

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    Any comments on the US soldier who reported the crimes?

    The Military people who did NOT cover up the tortures he reported?

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