Witnessing Ultraviolet and Infared light on LSD

Discussion in 'LSD - Acid Trips' started by pulse1234, Mar 8, 2014.

  1. pulse1234

    pulse1234 Guest

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    Last night my girlfriend and I did LSD for the 3rd time together. This was the strongest dose I've done thus far, I was told it was 150 mics, and 90-95% pure. The main point of this topic is this; My girlfriend and I went on the porch to smoke a cigarette, and were amazed at how beautiful the moon looked. We stared at it, and began to notice the spectrum rainbow that surrounds every light we stare at so far, and since the moon is a direct reflection of sunlight, it contains the full spectrum of visible light, and lights much farther up the spectrum, (Radio waves, Gama rays, X-rays,) . After a couple minutes of staring at it in awe, my girlfriend and I began to notice colors that were not part of the regular rainbow of colors, that being; Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.

    All the colors the human eye can see are these colors, and whats in between. The first new color I noticed was ultraviolet. Imagine the most deepest violet color you can imagine, and make it very bright, to the point where its almost glowing. This was the color I saw, a deep, vivid, blue-purple glowing bright color, that was completely distinguishable from the colors surrounding it. I was stunned by this, amazed.... I was in awe, this color was one that Ive never seen before, it was beautiful, I honestly cant look at blue and violet tones the same again... It was the most beautiful color I've seen....

    My girlfriend saw it too, so I'm not alone in this, we sat there and stared at the moon in awe for close to 30 minutes. The next thing I began to notice was a extremely dark, but yet vivid glowing red. A red that I can barely describe, again Imagine the most intense red you can imagine, make it dark, but yet glowing and vivid. This too was a color I've never seen before, I mean it is red, But different... Different than every red I've seen thus far in my life....

    Once we went inside I immediately pulled out my laptop. I Googled the full spectrum of colors visible to the human eye. And sure enough, to my amazement, right where the colors ended off on all the pictures, was the beginnings of the color I saw. I then googled ultra violet light, and got a bunch of pictures that looked very similar to the color I saw, but not it, not nearly as intense, and violet, and vivid, the color itself was utterly beautiful. This astonished me, that when I googled ultraviolet light, the lights and colors I saw on the page looked almost like the color I saw, but just not. It was an amazing realization and conformation to what I just saw.

    On a more personal note, my future goals are to become a physicist, so you can imagine my excitement to being the witness of two new colors to my vision.. My girlfriend saw the same things just to note, after much talking and describing the colors we did see, Im almost positive we saw the same thing.

    PS: Although I cant confirm this, for there is no way to understand what colors of rest of the spectrum are (Micro-waves, X-rays and Gamma Rays and Radio waves), I saw a very ghostly goldish-white color. This color too was one Ive never witnessed before, of course the ghostliness of it made me think of X-rays, I have no clue what it was. This too was definitely a new color though, It was a deep gold, but yet somehow ghostly white, along with this, I saw extremely vivid and new green tones, comparable only to a neon green, but yet somehow more intense and vibrant. I cant confirm what these colors are though, but they were definitely there.. I would love to see work done on brain mapping an individual on LSD.

    In conclusion, I wanted to share this experience with the community, hoping more people will lay witness to this, and have a greater understanding for the potential that lies within LSD, not as a drug, but as a gateway to open your mind to what's all around us, and what is us; the universe. So next time you try acid go look at the moon for a few minutes and see if I'm right, I was extremely surprised to see that no one else has really posted anything related to seeing new colors on the spectrum.
  2. pulse1234

    pulse1234 Guest

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    Just wanted to add to this a little. I dont know how it happened, but it has been five days since I had this experience. And my ability to see into the Ultraviolet and Infared spectrum has not diminished at all. White street lights in the distance no longer appear white to me... Theyre blue and purple. I was walking around at night, and every white light I looked at was outlined by ultraviolet light. Infared is much harder to see, and I have to really Unfocus my eyes, bUt its there. I get a faint yellow and red outline around things. The only other place I can see the Ultraviolet and Infared other than lights, is on the outline of things. I can just never see on something, its always radiating off of it.
  3. volunteer_tommy

    volunteer_tommy Elongated Member

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    ...huh. Animal eyes have special chemical settings that let them see ultraviolet, however they cannot see infared and quite often red itself. Maybe you managed to trigger them? ...is everything somewhat blurrier, just out of curiosity? Mind you, I am WILDLY speculating. I wonder if you could be perceiving colors differently
  4. pulse1234

    pulse1234 Guest

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    I guess everything is a little blurrier now that I think about it... Huh. I do perceive colors differently now. Some blues seem much brighter, and almost fluorescent like. For example I was at work and picked up a blue marker, and the blue shiny lid, didn't look very blue but rather bluish-violet. I asked a co-worker if she noticed any of the purple and she said no. So yes, I see blue's and violets in a new glowing tone.
  5. inthydreams911

    inthydreams911 Senior Member

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    There is a spiritual guru, Dr. Pillai, who is always talking about being able to see infra-red spectrum. Your mid brain, your pineal gland, has access into the particle realms. Subtle realms where matter is broken down, and everything is very fast.

    Animals supposedly can see in infra-red, that is how they can detect when storms are coming better than a human.

    I have seen these hyper colors as well on psychedelics. Perhaps its part of our evolution, or just something we lost, but are rediscovering. There are subtle realms of reality, and we need a different eye to see those realms. Lsd helps open that eye.
  6. Fairlight

    Fairlight Banned

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    I always notice that LSD users are very articulate and bright.I wish I could drop again,as I love it,but due to ensuing mental health problems I'm not so sure it would be good for me.Anyway I don't have any contacts.I would definitely drink a light shroom tea though,if that ever turns up.I think I could handle that.
  7. pulse1234

    pulse1234 Guest

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    No, our brains just filter it out because we have no need for it. A bug sees in UV because some flowers emit, and it is essential to their survival. The only colors we need are Red, green and blue. Read everything I posted in this science forum, it is hilarious how no one believes me :p http://www.thescienceforum.com/pseudoscience/42712-i-can-now-see-ultraviolet-infared-light.html . LSD activates parts of the brain that makes things feel novel, or new. So it makes you feel like your seeing, hearing, and feeling things for the first time. When I stared at the moon in the middle of my trip, I embedded into my mind that this color is there, and it does exist, and have been forcing my eyes to recognize it since. Our eyes dont need to see it, the last thing the brain wants is more information to process, it tries to simplify things. On LSD it was a rebirth of my vision, and it allowed me to take hold of it I think... It has been 5 days, I dont feel any acid, but my ability to see UV light has just gotten better....
  8. MeatyMushroom

    MeatyMushroom Juggle Tings Proppuh

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    Interesting.. could it be some form of interference between the wavelengths of colours? not actually UV or IR, but funky colours you'd usually not see that could be "brain junk". I'm not sure if things work like that though.

    Otherwise I like this dudes idea.

    Bold = synesthesia? I visualise sounds and "rhythms" in 3D geometric shapes(not to the extent of the descriptions of some synesthetes), and I only really took notice of it after I tripped, so I dunno.. I don't think it's that implausible to be able to see colours that are the result of feeling levels of radiation.

    Someone else did point out though, that everything should be radiating UV/IR light, not just the rings around the light sources.. Test it dude. Either way, you're seeing those colours, if all else fails start painting :D
  9. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    I'm sorry to say I agree with the majority at that other forum, you can't see UV and IR light. Plus the fact that if you did see in IR, it would be rather difficult considering everything is going to give off some type of heat signature and as a result everything would have this IR "glow" you claim to see.

    I agree with the poster who asked if you have any plans to test and confirm this according to standard scientific methods.

    I think the more likely scenario is that you and your girlfriend are relatively inexperienced with psychedelics and simply had a good medium/strong experience, that's all.

    But to think you somehow "converted" your eyes ability by taking LSD is pretty much out there and not physiologically possible.

    *LOL @ doglady....LSD stays in your body for 120 hours...LOL*
  10. intongues

    intongues The Wizard

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    The people on that science forum, seem to be basing all their arguements on the fact that LSD hasn't been studied that way. They seem so sure it's not possible, but yet they don't understand the power of LSD.

    I'd love to see it actually be true to rub it in their faces! They seem rather closed-minded to be in the field of exploration.
  11. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    Yeah, but I have studied a lot about LSD for about 35 years and I can tell you with 100% certainty that LSD-25 DOES NOT physiologically alter the photo receptors in your eyes, which is what would have to happen to see in those bands of the spectrum.

    LSD isn't some kind of "magic", it's a molecule that elicits certain bio-chemical responses and reaction in the human nervous system which we then interpret through the medium of our frontal cortex and come up with all kinds of wonderful and fantastic ideas.
    Some realistic, some not.

    Concerning LSD being "studied that way", again wrong.
    LSD-25 is the most researched and studied psychedelic substance ever. If there was some idea, no matter how asinine or unlikely, they researched it, especially if it was a possible negative effect. To think that they didn't research effects on all parts of vision is really rather naive'.

    I still hold to my initial conclusion, OP and girlfriend just had their first decent trip on LSD.

    OP, maybe you should do a little research into HPPD ;)
  12. pulse1234

    pulse1234 Guest

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    I do see the infared glow around everything :D, espescially on my hands, but I can not see it at all on especially cold objects. There is no reason I should be seeing a red and yellow outline around those lights, followed by a distintive faint purple, blue and greenish tone. When I google the UV spectrum the colors are almost exactly alike. Ive read about people who can see UV light and this blog was quite interesting. http://www.komar.org/faq/colorado-cataract-surgery-crystalens/ultra-violet-color-glow/

    The pictures he shows and ways to represent it are very similar to what I see. I have also notices that somethings are not the same color. Blue's and especially whites not longer appear their true color to everyone else and a camera, when I look at white, I see a very faint violet-blue, especially outlining everything. It has been 6 days, I am completely sober. But when I look at a white street lamp in the distance, its not a white light, its surrounded by violet and blue. The moon is the greatest of UV light giving, since its rays come directly from the sun. When I look at the moon now, I can see the full UV spectrum around it. I am positive what I am seeing is UV and IR light. When I begin to focus really heard on the moon, half of its outline is red, a really bright dark red, and other half is yellow. You guys are more accepting than the science forum I believe. I know this is real, what I am seeing is light. I plan on buying a UV flashlight that emits a UV light hardly visible to the human eye, it appears very faintly glowing. But I guarantee it when I look at it, I will be able to see the full glow and brightness. There are just too many coincidences for this not to be true, it would be like an apple falling on your head, but yet you still deny the existence of gravity. That is how strongly I believe in what I am seeing.
  13. pulse1234

    pulse1234 Guest

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    Read my posts on the science fourm to understand more of what I see, and my theory behind it. I am %70 my theory is correct, but I am %98 sure I see UV light.
  14. inthydreams911

    inthydreams911 Senior Member

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    It is a possibility you saw colors so radical they looked out of the physical spectrum, but were in fact still within its limits.

    I have heard how we only have 3 receptors for colors, while butterflies have 5, and a certain seahorse has 16. That means the spectrum of color is much broader than ours.

    But at the same time, the magic of lsd is that it lies somewhere beyond our physical reality. It opens you up to subtle realms, you are not seeing the color with your eye, it is in you, you are seeing it with your soul, your awareness. It is not impossible that you saw the unseeable.
  15. Gongshaman

    Gongshaman Modus Lascivious

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    No, those wave lengths are invisible to the human eye, it's physiologically impossible for you to see them period.
  16. pulse1234

    pulse1234 Guest

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    The thing is, I just dont see it randomly. I see it around every white light I look at it, espescially head lights. The moon espesccially, there is no doubting that what I am seeing is UV light, I am not claming I have some new cone in my eye that detects colors. As I said I person with cataract who had their lens removed can see UV light perfectly fine, our receptors in our eye can pick it up. I notice it in reflections. If it was just simply the fact that there is a bright light, then I would see it around every light, But I only see it around bright flourescent lights, which give off UV light. I am positive as to what I see. When I look at a light through no glass, I can see the UV much better, but through a window, It is not nearly as bright. This is because glass absorbs some UV light, which is why you can not get sunburned through a window. I am positive as to what I am seeing.
  17. pulse1234

    pulse1234 Guest

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  18. pulse1234

    pulse1234 Guest

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  19. intongues

    intongues The Wizard

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    They haven't studied it with the technology of today! In the 50s they only had so much to study, they had not near any type of studies that they do today! And since it was stopped from that date back then (I can't recall it now) til just recently, a lot of studies with modern technology hasn't been done!

    And mostly all of the current studies is related to mental health and anxiety, not just to see how it effects your eyes or whatever they want to test.

    You are most likely right it has nothing to do with it, but to say they studied every possible situation is certainly not fact.

    And to anyone, including scientists, who talk negatively and how "drugs are bad" without ever trying them or seeing their potential, need to shut their mouth. Their opinions are not worth listening to.
  20. pulse1234

    pulse1234 Guest

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    Exactly. What I see is UV light, I think many acid users have seen it, they just were not able to connect two and two together :D and I plead you to look at the moon next time you do acid, you will see exactly what I am talking about, take that blue color you see, and let it become a part of you. Thats what I did, and 140 hours later I still see it. Besides this benefit, LSD completely changed my life. Every negative problem I had with myself was instantly solved, self confidence issues, creative issues, bad handwriting, bad visualization, memory problems. I also have a connection with myself that I have never felt before. LSD completely reworked my life around, and has in my opinion, made me a much better person.

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