I'm boiling some water that is provided by magic via what is commonly known as a 'tap' - and adding some leaf's bought from the other kingdom 'Tes-co'. I may add some cow produce, too.
Yeah...The most magic thing I'm gonna do now is make a coffee...But when you think about it,that is pretty magic really...I might just cast a little spell on the way to the kitchen though.
It will be coffee for me, too. I just didn't know how to make coffee sound 'witchy'. Shaking beans while dancing, perhaps?
Did some sleeping! Although Wenesdays witching hour envolved our car being written off and us being awoken by police at 12:20am Pretty "magical" that he homed in on the only parked car on that stretch of the road....
Always like the time when the Shadow of the Midnight hour draws near, is, and passes over and into tomorrows future today - it is that wiTch I find most the most Spiritual connection