" Wish Hillary Would Have Won" - Don't Feel Bad Thread

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by StellarCoon, Nov 9, 2016.

  1. StellarCoon

    StellarCoon Dr. Professor

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    This is a thread for all of you Americans who didn't vote because you felt this election was simply diarrhea, but kinda leaned towards Hillary(myself included). The purpose of this thread is to remind us of all the blunders, bloopers, distastefulness, and general dumbassadry which convinced you not to vote for Clinton in the end.

  2. NoHobo

    NoHobo Members

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    You "kinda leaned" for Hillary but didn't vote because you thought the "election was simply diarrhea"? Wow. Shameful.
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  3. StellarCoon

    StellarCoon Dr. Professor

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    Play stupid games, win stupid prizes

    I take it you're a Hillary supporter?
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  4. Perfect Disorder

    Perfect Disorder Paradoxically Spontaneous

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    Personally I didn't vote because Clinton and Trump are just the realistic comprehensible figurehead of the infinite wheel of duality that encompasses existence and non-existence. Balance will be maintained regardless. Harmony is always realized
  5. SpacemanSpiff

    SpacemanSpiff Visitor

    lol...a complaining thread for people who were too lazy to even vote...

    what a novel american idea
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  6. StellarCoon

    StellarCoon Dr. Professor

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    Sir, would you like your cupcake sprinkled with cow manure or bullshit?
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  7. Wu Li Heron

    Wu Li Heron Members

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    LOL, trading one dumb ass for another is no loss. Germans needed Hitler to point out to them the error of their evil ways. In contrast, the US has had it easy getting Trump in office because he's a complete idiot in comparison. His election is a wake-up call for both countless republicans and democrats that business as usual just isn't going to cut it in the long run. Whether they pay attention or not and take constructive action is up to them, but there's no way of avoiding the plain and simple fact that your constitutional rights have been suspended indefinitely and congress has already given the military the legal right to round citizens up like cattle and made all the necessary preparations, while the NSA is now routinely reading 1/3 of the county's emails and tapping countless phone lines. Every police department has been buying military surplus equipment and now routinely uses warrantless wiretaps and searchers.

    Its empire baby, and this train ain't stopping until it derails. Nothing I can do for 300 million people living in denial. You might as well spit in the wind.
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  8. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    drop the furst sentence and the last; everything in between is worth a gold star at least. environment is the big derail down the line.
  9. Wu Li Heron

    Wu Li Heron Members

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    Putin threatening nuclear war is an indication that things could get worse before the environment derails all those fantasies. You don't have to be a weatherman to know which way the wind blows and desperate times call for desperate measures including some who might prefer to take their revenge before going down with the ship.
  10. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    You do get that people will still just think you were too lazy to vote?
  11. pensfan13

    pensfan13 Senior Member

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    the dude is too lazy to shave so of course i think he was too lazy to vote.
  12. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    Back to this, I'm going to break it down this time, as the extra unnecessary adjectives are starting to annoy me

    realistic comprehensible figurehead, figurehead; non plural.....as opposed to what, unrealistic incomprehensible figureheads?

    infinite wheel of duality that encompasses existence and non-existence - .......be...cause......Newtons third law does not apply to things that do not exist? What on earth does all things categorized in the realm of non existence have to do with one country's dumb ass elections at one point in time

    Harmony is always realized. Harmony, balance is always realized? Dont bother voting because opposing political parties will always agree???

    So basically:

    "Personally I didn't vote because Clinton and Trump are just the realistic comprehensible figurehead of the infinite wheel of duality that encompasses existence and non-existence. Balance will be maintained regardless. Harmony is always realized"

    really just means

    "Personally I didnt vote cos shit just happens anyway"
    1 person likes this.
  13. Perfect Disorder

    Perfect Disorder Paradoxically Spontaneous

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    If these statements are your spontaneous realization of my prior musing then so be it. I do not attempt to tell only to accept understanding.
  14. Joshua Tree

    Joshua Tree Remain In Light

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    Can I still vote?
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  15. There were plenty of candidates to choose from. If you didn't like Democrats or Republicans you could have at least helped a third party get to five percent.
    2 people like this.
  16. StellarCoon

    StellarCoon Dr. Professor

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  17. thefutureawaits

    thefutureawaits Members

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    The WORLD votes, I and millions of my friends do not.
  18. YouFreeMe

    YouFreeMe Visitor

    I don't know if I "wish Hillary would have won." I had apprehensions about her, although none of my skepticism pertain to the images or ideas posted in the OP.

    I am disappointed in the American people, and with the thought of a President Trump. I am alarmed that his behavior, intellect, and experience level was deemed acceptable by so many people. I don't feel aggressive or angry about his being elected president, but am somewhat taken aback by the whole election, including the overall low quality of candidates that we managed to nominate. Both major candidates are in the pockets of Wall Street: not sure how folks perceive Trump as independent from the "system", or any less corrupt than Hillary.

    This whole election season is depressing and an example of folks "getting the government that they deserve."
    4 people like this.
  19. StellarCoon

    StellarCoon Dr. Professor

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  20. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    I would rather see Trump than Hillary, though I dislike both of them. At least it's kind of comical seeing all the butthurt, self-righteous Hollywood celebrities, SJWs and libtards crying about it because someone they don't like was democratically elected. Hillary is a fucking crook who belongs in jail, and yet there are still idiots who would like to see her in the "highest office in the land" for whatever fucked up reason they have.
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