I can't help but feel that our president is going to run us into a brick wall. He alienates our allies, befriends the worst dictators, talks trash to gold-star families..... Yesterday he actually insulted Arabs while talking to a a representative of Jordan: Trump said to tell Jordan king: Israel will have a PM named Mohammed if no deal Oops, scratch one more ally. Some mornings I would google "Is Donald Trump dead yet?" Apparently I was not alone in this because now there a handful of sites dedicated to this very question. I guess people are making them their home pages. Is Donald Trump Dead Yet? Is Trump Dead Yet? (@IsTrumpDead) | Twitter So sorry. Trump’s not dead yet And no...I already checked; he's not dead yet.
Seriously we’ve survived far worse presidents and I’m guessing Ralph’s rotten life has not been impacted by any of Trump’s actions that he posted. I’m sure Ralph is busy trying to find a new country to live in...oh wait he’ll keep enjoying the privileges that come with life in USA!
I'm in Scotland and not at all convinced.....the man is a complete narcissistic idiot. What is even more worrying is that the changed/wired world and social media has made it possible for him and other crazy populists to get hold of power in whatever jerrimandered way they can.......and get away with it .... Simon -(
Well multiple presidents supported slavery...hard to get much worse than that. My point is we have survived worse times in the US and people act like the sky is falling with every social media post.