Will The U.s., Europe And Russia Cooperate With Each Other Peacefully In The Best Interests Of Human

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Ajay0, Oct 15, 2016.

  1. Ajay0

    Ajay0 Guest

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    It appears that the U.S, Europe and Russia are at loggerheads again to the point of war which can escalate into a nuclear war spelling doom for both.

    After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the west instead of dismantling NATO and developing institutions of democracy, human rights, freedom, free speech and press in Russia kept on with its intent of dominating Russia and making it subservient to the west. By initiating cooperation in a variety of scientific , cultural and economic fields, the west could have engaged Russia , getting rid of its insecurities and making it a valuable partner and ally, and a force for democracy and freedom in its own right. Russia under Yeltsin enjoyed very good relations with the west .

    However as NATO continued existing, and the west kept interfering in Russia by influencing its policies, coupled with poor economic development in Russia, Russian perception of the West changed from that of ally\partner to adversary. Anti-western sentiment was developed by propaganda to build up Russian nationalism for the usual 'us versus them ' attitude.

    NATO is perceived by the Russians as a particularly anti-russian force and with the enlistment of Lithuania, Estonia, Ukraine and Georgia as NATO members in 2008, Russia felt insecure as NATO came to its borders.

    As a way of engaging Russia and deepening channels of cooperation and trust , why can't NATO enlist Russia itself in its ranks as an all-european force !

    Or what is the need for NATO itself in the first place! If it is to fight against Russia, there is always the shadow of nuclear holocaust around it, and the danger of damaging the fledging institutions of democracy and free speech developed in Russia after 1990. Rather than ensuring the security of Europe, NATO can ironically be the very instrument which can annihilate Europe.

    As long as NATO exists, Russia will perceive it as a threat to its own security, and this consequent insecurity will be the basis for conflicts later on which could be avoided.

    What is essential at this point is potent conflict reducing mechanisms between Russia and the west which can initiate dialogue, remove suspicion and develop trust and cooperation to critical mass levels.

    Increased friendly engagement between the west and russia , with mutual respect, is essential to build up the fledging structures and culture of democracy, freedom of speech and press, liberalism and human rights in Russia to critical mass levels. At this point, Russia will cease to be a conflict-prone nation to a large extent substantially.

    The U.N must also work in this regard to ensure that conflict between the west and russia does not escalate beyond a certain level, and ensure proper dialogue and communication at all times , and bring about a healthy working relationship between the two in the best interests of both and humanity as well.
  2. pensfan13

    pensfan13 Senior Member

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    why do you think anything would change all of a sudden
  3. Ajay0

    Ajay0 Guest

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    Poor quality of political culture, leadership and decision-making on both sides. The historical track record is pretty bad as well. In both sides, the other is vilified as the bogey man by immature politicans for selfish interests and to whip up the 'us versus them' sentiment.

    There is also the danger of a third party initiating conflict between them clandestinely , perceiving them as common enemies. As the saying goes, 'Two birds with the same stone.'

    WOLF ANGEL Senior Member - A Fool on the Hill Lifetime Supporter

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    Trump and Putin = Apocalypse Now ??

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