A recent headline from Brietbart states "Despite tax increase California resources in freefall" . Very valid point. The brain drain has commenced. Where are the rich brits? Recent research shows 2/3 have left the country. Many folks of my ilk love to sit and complain about gubmint programs and annointed useless civil SERVANTS . My advice: Don't bitch. Leave. The only way to severly cripple the welfare state is not to participate. Simply re locate to states with zero sales tax. Do whatever you can to avoid federal taxation. Rememeber , tax avoidance is YOUR civic responsibility. The nation was founded by tax avoiders. The negative side of this of course , is the massive lack of ambition and shiftlessness generated by oby and his gang. Six years into obamunism and the shit is really gonna hit the fan in about 2 weeks. Let's disable oby and his evil system ASAP!!!!!!!!
Don't kid yourself. I'm no Obama fan, but if you really think that either of these parties will do anything for YOU, you are dreaming. The ONLY solution is to dismantle the existing 2 party political system, and with every passing day, the likelihood of that happening becomes less and less, as people continue to turn off their brains and let others do the thinking for them. The two party system is a JOKE, it is a travesty, it is rotten to the core.
Ah, I don't think you guys get it. Regardless of party. The successful are sick of being ripped off. Are the oby kool aiders serious about taxing us to that extent? Hey, folks won't be learning new skills , folks will be laundering their hard earned dollars. Best answer ; do the patriotic thing abuse the system until it crumbles from within. Shouldn't take long. Rebuild the socialist mess that remains to a successful free market economy. Now , as ex-pats leave the country for economic greener pastures ; barry can create his abortive mess and lead us down the path of national bankruptcy. The successful will again return to thrive . barry, of course, after his socialism has failed will be speaking at socialist enclaves called universities. LOL. Funny, the gubmint shuts down ; LOL. But , sadly , the NAS is alive and well.
i dont think you get it, oby has 47% locked up and with the way things are going he is going to make that number bigger. those people arent going to do away with the teet that feeds them, even if all those rich fuckers that own the big businesses left....(sorry change of thought) let me put it this way. i am doing ok in a poor area. i went to buy a car and i found out they are more expensive near me than in the more well off areas around me. it never made any sense until i found out that those big businesses make more money off the poor people than the rich. cant afford this car? no problem how much can you afford? well with that much in 72 months at 22% interest it can be all yours. dont worry those top dogs are already hiding as much of their money from uncle sam as they can but they arent going to just get up and leave all those grapes just waiting to be picked. oh yeah back to that thought, by the time the thing crumbles beyond repair will be well after oby is gone, well maybe not well after but definitely after.
Some of you don't seem to realize that federal tax rates are at the lowest level in 30 years. http://www.factcheck.org/2012/07/tax-facts-lowest-rates-in-30-years/
W[FONT="]hen the US was doing well economically and there was a huge increase in the number of the middle class was in the period from the end of WWII to the rise of neoliberal ideas. During that period the top tax rate was much higher (94% in 1945 – 50% in 1982) and the national debt was reduced from the war time high of 117% of GDP to a reasonable 32.5% in 81. But in the thirty odd years of free market/neoliberal ideas there was a huge increase in the wealth of a few while the real term incomes of those below have either stagnated or fallen. While the policies pursued have also caused a ballooning of the national debt and brought about a social and political system where wealth has gained great power and influence. The problem I see with right wing libertarian ideas…is that it would most likely increase the power and influence of wealth while making life worse for most people in society through the implementation of even greater neoliberal policies. [/FONT]
For whom would you say taxes are lowest? State or Fed? Income? Cap gains? Please explain. What the hell are you talking about? Roughly one half of the population pays no Federal and gets refunds via administrative welfare. Please clarify. We have more hand outs than ever before with oby at the wheel. Whom would be paying for oby's vast bail outs?
Euro socialists love this manure. Just read it. So, this insinuates oby gave us a break down to 18%. BULLSHIT . Just paid a total Cap gains of 48% in total. Fuzzy math from the left. Nothing over 9% federal would be acceptable. Abolish the IRS. Send out postcards humbly begging to fund this horrible beast. Treat the guvmint as any other charity with hat in hand.
Umm common sense question. How is the federal government going to pay off the debt if there is no organization to do all the paperwork to pay back who this country owes? Abolishing the IRS isn't the problem, they serve a vital purpose, even the Founders of this country weren't that extreme to say and conclude that the IRS should be abolished.
The Founders did not tax the citizenry. We fought for abolition of taxation. The scope and role of the fed needs to be nearly eliminated. The Constitution specifies two basic duties of the fed. gov. 1)BORDER SECURITY 2)Regulation of interstate commerce That is all. Nothing else is needed . Let states decide to what degree , if any , safety nets or hammocks should be offered. Sadly, the current regime has dismally failed in successful implementation of the US Constitution.
Please. This why the stalemate. Certain factions of this country will not tolerate the jihadist in chief or his revenue sharing. I am one of those individuals.
Taxes are lowest for those who pay none, and only about 4.5% are paying in taxes an amount which exceeds the Federal governments spending per capita. 2009 - Population = 305,529,237 Individual tax returns which produced Federal revenue = 137,982,203 Top 1% of payers (0.45% of the population), reporting an AGI >$343,927, paid $318,043,000,000 or average of $230,496 each. The next 4% of payers (1.81% of the population), reporting an AGI >$154,643, paid $189,864,000,000 or an average of $34,400 each. The next 5% of payers (2.26% of the population), reporting an AGI >$112,124, paid $102,249,000,000 or an average of $14,820 each. The next 15% of payers (6.77% of the population), reporting an AGI >$66,193, paid $145,747,000,000 or an average of $7,042 each. The next 25% of payers (11.29% of the population), reporting an AGI >$32,396, paid $90,449,000,000 or an average of $2622 each. The bottom 50% of payers (22.58% of the population), reporting an AGI <$32,396, paid $19,511,000,000 or an average of $283 each. The Federal government collects tax from about 45% of the total population, and based on the spending of the Federal government, as shown below, it is spending about $1,000 per month per member of the population, and amount which is only collected from those who comprise the top 10% of taxpayers, or put another way only 4.5% of the total population is paying a fair share for the Federal government services provided. It's highly likely the same is true at both the State and Local levels of government as well. The total receipts for FY 2009 were $2,104,990,000,000 Receipts from individual tax returns $865,863,000,000 Other sources, corporate, etc. $1,239,127,000,000 Total outlays were $3,517,680,000,000 or the equivalent of $11,513 of Federal spending per person. Don't forget that States and Local governments also tax and spend. Leaving a deficit of $1,412,690,000,000