Some of you might find it hard to believe. But every 12 years, I have a year in my life that really sucks. I won't go into detail. But every 12th year for me is a tragic one. There has never been an exception to this rule. Now, 2016 will be the next year in my life, in this unending cycle of doom. I guess then I asking all of you, what can I do about it? I don't personally believe in astrology. But hey, I would even be willing to entertain suggestions involving this. (It does seem odd, the number 12, What meaning does that have in astrology,etc.?) Also, 2016 will be the 20 year anniversary of my mother's death, which will be bad enough (she was a very good mother--and a powerful influence on my life even to this day). So, what do the rest of you think about it all?
I'll be honest....I don't doubt your history but...I don't believe in things like this. I think that you really have to have a certain degree of belief to convince yourself that this cycle is true. What if you eliminated the 12th year and re-evaluated the other years? Would those years have been great? Were there no issues during those years? What if you slid the cycle back by four years? Would your outcome be the same or is it your interpretation of the "cycle" influencing your opinion of the cycle?
If you start now and dwell on it really hard how bad 2016 is going to be... Yeah, It's gonna suck. Or you could do just the opposite.
i would avoid obsessing on numbers, because you really never know. its good to be emotionally prepared for both the worst and the best and every thing in between, while at the same time avoiding the disappointment that comes from expecting anything. at all. good or bad.