Wife said I could have a girlfriend

Discussion in 'Free Love' started by Long_HairHippie, Oct 21, 2017.

  1. Long_HairHippie

    Long_HairHippie Member

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    So like the topic says, my wife says she is cool with me getting a girlfriend. I'm really not sure how it would work or where to even find a woman that would be cool with messing around with a married man. Anyone have any experience with this?
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  2. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    So wife is going to be ok with you spending money on the girlfriend rather than her?

    Thats when shit gets real
  3. Deidre

    Deidre Visitor

    I think if your gf catches feelings for you or you do for her... that is when things will get messy. Do you want a gf on the side?
  4. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    Some of these posts really amuse me. This one reminded me of the time that a guy who I worked with decided that he and his wife would let their spare room to a lodger to supplement their income. It was his wife who found a suitable applicant (a younger guy) and I am sure that you can guess what happened next. A few months later, the husband was sleeping in the spare room and paying rent to his wife and the lodger The whole thing was like something out of a 1930s comedy film. The poor guy would come in every morning and tell me all his woes and I often had to leave the room to spend a few minutes creased up laughing in the corridor.
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  5. Deidre

    Deidre Visitor

    lol I get that everyone has diff fetishes but ...I think some of these scenarios will end up in disaster. My opinion of course :D
    YogaBird likes this.
  6. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    I don't think that it was a fetish, they were just a couple of idiots. The best morning ever was when the guy arrived for work more than an hour late. The previous night the lovebirds had collapsed the bed. They woke him up at 3am to fix it (he was an engineer) (so called) and while he was working on it, they decided to spend the rest of the night in a hotel. He woke up bleary eyed the next morning, rushed around to get ready for work, only to find that they had gone off in his car. This crazy situation went on for about 5 years, during which time she had fallen out with her lover several times and swapped him back into the spare room. Then a few weeks later it would all swap around again. It got to a point where the rest of us at work could not wait for him to arrive in the morning for the latest episode of the saga. Life in the London theater never has a dull moment, both on and off the stage. LOL.
  7. Long_HairHippie

    Long_HairHippie Member

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    I don't think she has really thought about it a whole lot, and I'm not sure what her true motivation for it is. Part of me is wondering if she is cheating on me and it's like a way to make her not feel guilty.
  8. Noserider

    Noserider Goofy-Footed Member

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    You do realize that--despite your best efforts to be a dick-- your posts are both accurate and condescendingly awesome?

  9. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member Lifetime Supporter

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    Well, I have done the whole seeing somebody while I'm already in a steady relationship and it's fun! But.. It's not very ethical or moral. Now your wife said it would be fine, but if think about the vows you surely must have made, and the relationship you have with your wife and all of that stuff, it's really not worth it. Like some other posts already have said, it will do more damage than any good that will come of it. :)
  10. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    Yes, of course.
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  11. iamjustme

    iamjustme Wishful thinker HipForums Supporter

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    Just sayin...far more likely your wife is having an affair already, and wants to feel less guilty about it.
    Or, perhaps she wants a divorce and once you cheat...your fried. Not many judges going to believe "but she said I could!!"
    Or at least you should consider what is horribly wrong with your marriage that she doesn't care if you fuck another women so you leaver her alone.
    Point being, and the chances heavily weighing in on - there is no good that will come of this.

    WOLF ANGEL Senior Member - A Fool on the Hill Lifetime Supporter

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    So like the topic says, my wife says she is cool with me getting a girlfriend.
    If something sounds too good to be True - then it most likely is so
  13. whodatboy

    whodatboy Members

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    Im having something close to this. Wife wants a girlfriend and says we could share her
  14. TBayJD

    TBayJD Members

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    I've quickly figured out that these questions are impossible to answer if we don't actually know the players (odd choice of words but you know what I mean) involved. I've seen this scenario work fine and I've seen it go horribly, horribly awry. it will really come down to what kind of people you all are. If you and your wife can completely separate a physical act from an emotional feeling, you have a shot. That's much easier said than done. My wife and I have let each other "play around" with others (rarely) in unique (one-off) settings. It's fun, cute, and not a big deal unless you make it one. HOWEVER, when you are going to turn it in to a regular thing, that's another level. I can only tell you that wouldn't fly in my relationship, and we're pretty experimental in that way.

    Here's my question: Why do you want a girlfriend? Are you not getting needs filled by your wife that you are hoping to get filled here? If that's the case, pour out your "needs" to your wife and give her a shot to meet them. if it's truly because having a plaything around sounds fun...yes it's possible, but wow you're talking about very small odds. Back to my original point, we don't know you or your wife so maybe you are the perfect candidates for this lifestyle choice, but wow I"d be shocked. Nothing to do with you. Just a VERY small percentage of the population could pull this off.

    The first time your wife is feeling needy and needs her husband around to hold her and tell her it will be ok, and you're off with little miss hotpants...get ready to pack a suitcase.
  15. Jo King

    Jo King wannabe

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    I have a feeling everything will work out just fine.
  16. Eric!

    Eric! Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    LMAO! Damn, it's a shame he allowed that to even happen. I would have turn that situation into a 1930s murder mystery film.
  17. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    Ha-ha. The guy was a complete idiot in almost every way possible. One morning he arrived at work with the drivers door of his car missing. While running into the shop for a newspaper, he had left the door wide open on a busy street and a truck had swiped it. Less than a year later, the exact same thing happened again, When working with him, he could keep me laughing all day. The funniest ever work related mishap was the day that he put the wrong film on the screen at a major London cinema. He went on the microphone to apologize to the audience, but forgot to switch it off afterwards. More than 2000 people had a 10 minute prelude to the performance, listening to him panicking to find the correct film and ffing and blinding at the projection equipment. Some of the audience even assumed that it was a deliberate part of the performance. If ever a guy was on the wrong side of the film camera, it was him. LOL.
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  18. Eric!

    Eric! Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Fuck is wrong with that dude? LMAO!!! You know what, he is probably the one who's name is on the mortgage or the rent for the house, and yet he's paying his wife and that other dude to stay there, LOL! Ask him when you get a chance, then try not to laugh.
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  19. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    After posting these memories, it would be great to catch up with him again. The problem is that this all happened between 1970 and 1987 when he worked with us. Even if he is still alive today, he will be over 90 years old. At least all his friends will probably die, or have already died laughing. I actually used him on the 1984 RFP (Royal Film Performance), but kept him well away from all the technical equipment. He even reduced the sour faced royal security guys to laughter, when he told them that he was looking for banana skins to put along the red carpet ready for the arrival of the queen. Even the royal family and the fact that the royal arrival was being watched live by more than nineteen million viewers bid not dull his clownish ways. LOL
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  20. Candybuttons

    Candybuttons Sweet Member

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    Does that also mean your wife can have a sugar daddy or fuck toy on the side? Sounds fun!

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