Wife is unsure she can go nude at a resort

Discussion in 'Nudism, Naturism' started by Panama Jack, Sep 2, 2019.

  1. Panama Jack

    Panama Jack Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    We (Wife and I) are home nudist and live a very private life. Both fit for our age (seniors). We have planned our first trip to a nude resort that is family friendly. I am ready and confident. Wife on the other hand is a bit more apprehensive about her ability to go nude. She is worried that once we get there she may no be able to be naked around others.
    We have discussed this and she is a we bit self conscious. She’s afraid she might chicken out once there and not be able to do it. This would be a huge let down for me.I don’t want to go alone and I keep reassuring her she looks great(she really does). I need her with me so others won’t think I am a lone male. Suggestions please.
  2. Daretobare

    Daretobare Member

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    I'm hoping then that your first time is a clothing optional resort. She can then be as comfortable as she wants until she realizes that she isn't on show. Meaning that many of us have in our minds that people will gawk at us because we are new there. We too all have body issues in our heads unless your some ego nut. Let her be comfortable as she wants. She will more than likely feel odd in clothing and start disrobing. Buy her a nice larger sarong. Cheap on ebay.. Many women and some men even use them to throw on when just walking around. Even long term nudists. My wife and I have been nudists fir ten years. We are members and regularly attend our local resort and nude beach. She still wears her sarong when walking around and at meals.
  3. Panama Jack

    Panama Jack Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Daretobare, Thank you.
    It is a small naturist (family style nudist) resort. It has a campground and trails. 2 pools(1 indoor and hot tub). Activities and game room. Established 50 years. There is the rule of no clothes in pools and hot tubs. Elsewhere topless. It is a AANR resort. I really don’t think my wife will mind going topless. Yes, she is planning to bring a lower half sarong.
    As I am excited, I do not want to be pushy with her and I have to curb my enthusiasm. I think she is having some minor anxiety. I am hopeful this is momentary. We love our private nudity in the rainforest where we live.
  4. Biggles_Nude!

    Biggles_Nude! Hakuna matata.

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    As a former part-owner of a resort here in Australia, I can say that topless and a sarong is usually fine for newcomers to the resort nudist scene, and even the owners as and when they see fit (e.g. a slightly chilly breeze!), but at some stage it will be an expectation among everybody else to fully disrobe because not doing so can make others uncomfortable, so it is not just your wife who could be anxious about it.
  5. Daretobare

    Daretobare Member

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    Unfortunately... Biggles, that is true
  6. nudony

    nudony Member

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    Most nudist resorts have similar guidelines: "C/O outside the pool area; naked inside the pool area." At her first resort trip, my current wife decided to start out topless outside the pool area. No problem. After a while she decided she really wanted to check out the pool area, knowing it meant she'd have to get naked. So there's usually the possibility of "acclimating" simply by hanging out outside the pool area covered for a while; until confidence is built up enough to get to the pool area.

    But sometimes that doesn't happen. Like at my first wife's first nudist resort trip. She went half-naked throughout the day outside the pool area; but did not build up the confidence to go full-naked in the pool. When that does happen you can't let it get to you because you might inadvertently be sabotaging any chances at a return trip by expressing your disappointment. I did not express my disappointment. So the following summer my wife agreed to a two-day stay at another nudist resort. And that time she decided to go full-naked in the pool area.
    Sometimes these things can take more than just one try.
    Daretobare likes this.
  7. Panama Jack

    Panama Jack Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Thanks Nudony,
    We are less than a month away from a 2 night stay at a small resort. As I stated before, I really don’t believe she will have much problem with topless, because that’s her best assets. I really think she looks great for her age. That could be because I am not judgemental to any age of the human body.
    You make a good point about not showing my disappointment if she doesn’t go completely nude. The one thing I do have in my favor is she loves a pool and hot tub. I am hopeful this will be an enjoyable time for her. We truly need to make a new group of like minded friends.
  8. *pixy*

    *pixy* Member

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    Why would you go to a strict nudist resort if she isn't sure she will like it? I would propose to go to a "mixed" beach where everyone goes as she/he likes it and feels comfortable. So you can go stark naked while your wife may start with a sarong round her hips or whatever she likes. I think the nudism idea is connected with the idea of individual freedom, so no one should be forced to go nude. I've gone to de facto clothing optional beaches with friends a dozen of times and sometimes they joined nudity after a shorter or longer while, sometimes they preferred to stay with something on. So what? The main hung is they feel comfortable and happy.
  9. Panama Jack

    Panama Jack Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I do appreciate the openness the Europeans have for nudity. However, Our resources to nude beaches are very limited and very far away from us. I do understand it is about being comfortable around others, clothed or not.
    Most nudist resorts here would rather see couples. Not a lone male hanging around.
    My wife is willing to going with me, so that is a step in the right direction as we do everything together.
    I would like to hear more protective from you regarding nudity in general.
    I really doubt we will see open displays of sex between couples here.
    What’s it like in Europe.
    Obviously, it is acceptable there.
  10. Chris Bigger

    Chris Bigger Visitor

    Really the only way to tell, is have her just go and see for herself. I have been told so many times that once someone gets there and sees for themselves that it is no big issue and everyone is nude and having a good time. Most seem to just forget about there worries and join in.
  11. Panama Jack

    Panama Jack Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I certainly hope so.
  12. *pixy*

    *pixy* Member

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    Yes i didn't think of a nudist resort, but just of a beach or spa where can go as you like it, covered or bare.

    And NO, ist's absolutely not common here to have sex openly on a beach, no matter if it's a textile, nude or free one. But there are certain spots where sexual activities are possible that attract certain groups of people (exhibitionists and voyerus to be exact), as for example "piggy beach" of Cap d'Agde. Unfortunately, these few beaches or resorts are very much in the focus of the media and also there exists a lot of video footage on the net, so a lot of people think this is the norm on european beaches. It is NOT, exept of some special sites. Of course you can do explicit sex things at remote or secluded spots where no others are involved or only ones who approve it, but this is possible worldwide i guess. At "normal" beaches you are expected to behave adequate and decent.
  13. Panama Jack

    Panama Jack Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Good to know.
  14. Barry Mandelay

    Barry Mandelay Banned

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    I am without clothes more often than not. My spouse is so self conscious that she rarely sleeps in the nude and is never without a full cover when awake. Visitation of a resort where open nudity is expected will not be in our plan. I applaud your wife Jack. She has agreed to join with you in your desire to enjoy the company of like minded others. Each person is their own worse critic regarding body presentation. With her being nude in the private setting and comfortable baring her upper half around "strangers" I expect she will warm up after encountering women who are comfortable in the setting. Be patient and let it come to her in her time. She may only take a few hours at the onset and then become more open than even you. That would be a hoot.
  15. Steveh

    Steveh Members

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    Took wife to a clothing optional resort the first time. She was completely naked in five minutes and still talks to this day about the thrill of stripping down naked in front of five other naked guys
    bananaman321 and Panama Jack like this.
  16. Ace65

    Ace65 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    That's a fact. The one big negative in this lifestyle is that I don't have a female to go with me to these places because I'm treated like I've got the plague or something. I've been a member at our club for 7 years now and I don't think I've spoke 5 words total to anyone else there in those 7 years. When I go to Caliente it's the same thing pus I have to pay a single male surcharge for every day I stay down there. I don't want to hijack the thread but when I saw this quote I had to agree with it.
  17. Barry Mandelay

    Barry Mandelay Banned

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    You didn't hijack anything. You just told the truth. Men have an disadvantage due to our aggressive nature with anything that points towards a sexual situation. Clothing optional resorts lean towards sexuality regardless. People want to enjoy living in a setting without any inhibitions but the reality is there is always the possibility of someone trying to take advantage for selfish or perverted reasons. Men are the most common violators. Restricting us with extra charges or exclusion because we aren't with a female partner is a way of keeping aggressive males away. It penalizes the men who are legitimately wanting to enjoy the company of like minded people and we have to accept the world is this way.
    Ace65 likes this.
  18. Steveh

    Steveh Members

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    We always make it a point to talk to the single males at resorts
  19. Panama Jack

    Panama Jack Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Since my wife and I will be the newbies and like to socialize, we won’t discriminate between genders. If someone wants to have a conversation, that is fine with us. We will find out on Oct 5-6.
  20. bananaman321

    bananaman321 Members

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    I do honesty hope that things go well and your wife feels comfortable enough to go nude on your stay. Hopefully the sight of other nude ladies will help her lose her selfconsciousness. Please let us know how things turn out. Even if she just goes topless that would still be wonderful as fewer women nowadays tend to go topless on beaches and you can still enjoy her beautiful tits.

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