Hello all, new to the forum. Was hoping to get some advice. So I have been with my wife for 12 years. And the only way she is able to have an orgasm is when we are having penetrative sex. I have tried oral and fingering etc, she says it feels good but she can’t climax from anything else… any advice???
Hmm, it's usually she can't from penetration.....I say live it up while you can. Do you just want to widen her experience or do you want something other than penetration? I think as anything, it take patience and practice, but after 12 years, what works reliably, works. How about nice vibe / clit toy?
I second that. If she is open to go along for the ride take your time enjoying the oral and manual stimulation and do it in a way like your goal is giving attention and stimulating her. And if she orgasms it’s a new thing for both of you. And trying a toy as mentioned above Communicate as you do, she gives you feedback
Thank you for the feedback! Mainly want to broaden the overall experience for her and give her pleasure in a different way besides just penetration with me. Obviously as a male she has several different ways to make me climax other than being inside her. And for the few times that I might climax too quick or not b able to get/maintain an erection.
Get a good vibe with all the bells and whistles and give that a go. Failing that, I’ll get up on my soap box yet again and sing the praises of moly. It might just flick the switch for her. If it doesn’t, you’ll both still have an amazing, loving experience.
As you know orgasm with only penetration is rare and it is fortunate she can cum that way. My wife needs clitoral stimulation via oral or digital first then penetration. My fwb and fb can cum multiple times both ways in fact it is amazing that after oral first they can cum countless times with pounding penetration which I enjoy as I can go until they have had enough and then will explode inside. After a bit they are ready to go again! So you are fortunate actually she is.
Intense foreplay as worked for me some of the girls that I have been wet before I have penetrated them.