30 or so years ago, I became interested in alternate paths. And this is when I got my first book on Wicca, The Witches' Bible by Stewart Farrar and his wife. I never became a witch. But I was only 18, and I suppose I was searching for meaning in life. Anyway, the book also introduced me to the Magickal Childe book store. They sell a lot of unique items there and I think they have a website now. Also around this time, I started reading Magickal Childe's newsletter. This certainly opened me up to a lot of divergent views. For example, they said, and a lot of their readers/customers agreed, Satanism and Wicca have a lot in common, though Wiccans would never agree. Wtf? Have a lot in common? I think they couldn't possibly be more different. Wicca is a highly ethical religion. Do what you will, an it harm none. Satanism isn't very ethical. Plus Wicca is based on a revival of ancient pagan beliefs. It has nothing to do with Christianity. Satanism, even La Veyan, is a corruption of Christianity. I hate to say it, but it would never even be here without Christianity (though they would never admit that ). Yes, some Wicca involves black (i. e., harm) magick. But still, how are they similar? Someone please educate me.
While I don't have the greatest education in Wicca, I think I can rule out a similarity.. I think. Personally I don't get Satanism. I don't know kw why it's cool or what it is you actually are meant to believe in. The devil I guess. But to believe in the devil means a belief in God and we all know Satan is a loser who got his ass kicked out of heaven, so he's not someone I'd particularly follow into battle, no matter how scary he wants to come across.. He's a loser.
Well, Satanism is really more about viewing Satan as a path to enlightenment...a path to our truest selves, even the dark parts. He illuminates them thus he was originally called ''morningstar'' (Lucifer) But it's basically about self, and improving one's self. It's not really about worshiping the devil or exalting him, per se. I have explored the LHP, and find some value in it, but wouldn't really follow Satanism as it seems theistic to me. I'm a former Christian, and don't want to get caught up in theism, again. But, Satanism in general, is often misunderstood - I misunderstood it before I researched it a bit more. It brings a lot of happiness and peace to many who follow it. I had a friend who followed Wicca, unfortunately, I don't know much about that path.
Wiccans have respect for and skills in the healing arts . Pickled garlic keeps d' evil (sickness) away .
They are not similar besides that to Christians they are both not Christianity and therefore must be bad. The devil is the most anti-Christian symbol possible. They worship his bravery to be independent he is the goat Christians are the sheep who can not think. Most don't actuly believe he exists but some do.
Totems A herd of goats vs a flock of sheep ? Both appreciate an attentive guard dog . Wiccans are squirrels .
Punk Goth Wiccans affect some stylistic dramatic depression yet you know they are happy riding about the forest with Freya in a chariot pulled by cats . When disguised as squirrels they smile at me from above as they are safe at home in the sacred oak of the Druids .
satan isn't even a pagan concept. its something "civilized" religions came up with to make excuses. then of course some people stood those on their head, but still nothing to do with polytheistic beliefs that pre-dated them. i mean there were other things in some beliefs, hungry ghosts, that sort of thing, or gods that beliefs were about placating. but not really anything like the christo-islamic et al, concept of a satan. now for me, the universal wonder of strangeness, doesn't even need personalities, but if there should happen to be a lot of friendly little god-like things, (or one or more big ones, or just whatever there should happen to be) as long as they have no wish to be feared, they're welcome to all my love they might want.
satanism is about self empowerment through realizing, man in indeed god, I can't explain it any more. I would suggest reading the satanic bible, it's a great read! wicca is similar in the regard as we are all a part of the god/goddess, and they male/female energy is used for the spiritual workings.
Men making up rules for how we all should live our lives never works out well, and the darkness of Satanism should have given away something. What does the Satanic bible say? You're God, therefore what? You need to control everyone? You need to teach the children? You're just another brick in the wall. Fuck off. Wiccanism is pretty cool. There's actually power there. Not just a bunch of bright lights.
the relationship is really pretty simple: there isn't any. the only connection between the two exists in the fantasy world of christian (and some other monotheist) propaganda. that's it. period. thou art god, means so is everyone else. (this also does not come from any such thing as satanism. nor any other thing that regards spiritual worth as greater or lower, there is only the degree to which each individual awareness chooses to attempt to avoid causing harm, or fails to even wish to. there is no other litmus test of moral or spiritual value.) it doesn't mean there can't be non-physical people too. it just means there doesn't have to be hierarchy. it also means you can't cop out any choice that is yours to make, or the part of it that is yours to make, however small of a part of it might happen to be yours. it means you can't pretend that anything doesn't matter. not the happiness or well being of anyone, not the logic it takes to avoid diminishing either.
I find it to be weak when anyone turns to a book for rules as to how they should live their lives. The world is constantly evolving. You can't read how to live your life in a book, and if you do hold onto such beliefs, you're just going to fall behind. I have never turned to a book for guidance. Not the Bible, Satanic or otherwise. And guess what? I'm still not a perfect person. I don't think anybody has achieved that any better than anyone else from any of the world's religions. But I'm also a very nice and sensitive person who is trying to better himself, not unlike most people, sure, but I'm still kind of pleased with the progress I've made nonetheless, as I have had huge hurdles to overcome. I'm not in denial, but your comments are telling. "your all weak..." So it is power that you seek. Power corrupts absolutely, lady. But let's not fight, because I care about you. I know you have a pretty rough time, and I don't want to add to your worries. Do not fight me.
I don't even remember when I wrote my post on the matter, but it was a while ago I think, and I am constantly changing. I do not vouch for a lot of what I've said in the past. I could have just been having a bad day or something. Sometimes frustration gets the better of me. Rarely do I make it personal, though. Except when someone else does first, but even that I am trying to stop doing, because I can't honestly bring myself to hate anybody anyway. Some people are such jerks, though. I have no problem with witches or anything like that. Never have. I've always been the oddball anyway. I don't like it that all of these religions set people against other people, either. It seems like there's always some guy or gal with their own personal agenda at the top.
Well, Satan is pretty much universally regarded as pure evil, like, the torturer of small children, the devourer of babies, the rapist of women...pretty much all bad things, Satan is the king of. So it's not difficult for me to understand why people get the wrong impression of Satanists. They probably can't even believe it when you tell them. It may be a misunderstanding, but there it is. People generally think of Satan as the embodiment of evil.
satan is something humans pulled out of their ass. (evil is when people choose to cause harm, or to be indifferent to doing so. has nothing to do with strange invisible forces) gods and goddesses, are nice, mostly harmless, grandmotherly and grandfatherly invisible friends, who don't micro-manage, make war on each other, or have very much else to do with anything either. but if thinking about them, or stories about them, help people manipulate probability for whatever mostly harmless reasons, that's ok too. they can take fun shapes like dragons and foxes with multiple tails, or act out funny stories that teach us how not to act like dumb asses. (this whole business of summoning though, i think that's really not the right way to treat anyone. unless its like psionically letting someone know that you're wanting to open a channel of communication with them, like if your grandmother is still alive and you call her up on the phone. but i still think summoning is a wrong way of fraiming the concept) its just like invisible people and you and they can walk along with each other, or maybe sometimes they'll let you visit their celebrations or you can try to invite them to yours to me its just the same problem with any religion, this idea that people have to know everything, when really everything gets along just fine without our having to know it at all.