Most probably because she feels she has a connection with you that should outlast your desire to bed other females.
I've cheated a few times in my relationships. That is I had sex with another person or persons whilst I was in a serious relationship which was based on love. I thoroughly enjoyed the encounters, and because I did not carry any baggage - emotional or physical - home with me, they did not affect our relationship in any way. Sexual exclusiveness is seen by many (probably most) people as an indicator of love. I don't really ascribe to that. My fanny belongs to me: not my partner. HOWEVER At no stage in my 'trysts" did I involve myself in any way approaching what some people would call an affair; that is actually feeling love towards the other person. My encounters were purely sexual. And fun. My first partner - honestly, the one with whom I would have been with forever if "God hadn't taken her," was of the same mind as myself. I quick shag on the side hurt no one and most times gave a lot of joy. My second partner was not so sure, but never pulled the absolute monogamy card. In a nutshell, my non-exclusive behavior hurt no one. But I can't speak for others.
It depends on your girlfriend wether it is important or not obviously. It is not important for everyone. So check with her to be sure you're not cheating in any way and don't make a problem of other people's sex life if they don't have a problem with staying monogamous :cheers2: I think you understand perfectly though.
Well, church and governments are both aspects of society as a whole. I'm not sure both are to 'blame' more rigidly than our societies and their urge for norms and morals in general. What has the idea that marriage is artificial to do with it? Is it bad because you consider it 'less natural' or something? Hey STD's are natural as well Btw, nonreligious people marry too
Sex is an exciting, enjoyable act of pleasure when two consenting adults embrace in/with passion. Intimacy may however cloud the issue. Partnerships require trust, and it is perhaps this which hurts the most. There is an acceptance that there is a need to push boundaries but the question is, does could mean should? Before the fact, an understanding of why there is a need for - and a mutual agreement for extra-'marital' interaction is one thing Whereas, trying to justify - post action is not a reasonable excuse to use. The importance of monogamy should be tempered with adult responsibility - methinks
for,me, i have just never been hedonistic in that way....and think it should be something very special and with only one person....or at least with only one person at a time... being funny there....but all of the other elements would have to work first for me, anyway, or nothing at all....i can do without.
It is important to some people ,but not others! If it is not important to you find someone else to be with that feels the same way. Living freely within a relationship can be an amazing thing if both people are on board and feel the same way. Cheating and doing stuff behind your partners back is just a shitty way to live for all involved.
Well aside from the fact that you want to have sex with someone you have a connection with, you don't want to contract STDs.
Its not important, far more important you fuck as many people as possible, but no one will ever tell you that
To echo the sentiments of others: it's not important. People just get jealous and insecure. Or conform to social norms. The real, non-emotional risk is safety. If you're in a committed relationship, and you both have sex with multiple other partners, the risk of contracting illness goes up. But this can be avoided, if you're really diligent.