I guess this question is to all my Christian friends out there: Why on earth would God care if you masturbated? Of all the majesty of God's creation, and all the wonders of the universe, why would he care about that? And furthermore, with all the evil in the world, torture, genocide and general mayhem, why would he care? Just something I have wondered for some time now. BTW, not that it matters. But I still believe in God, and consider myself a nominal Catholic. But I don't believe in an afterlife, and am becoming more and more agnostic as I get older, I have found. Also, in many ways I almost consider myself a quasi-atheist. But I was raised Catholic, so I might as well die that way too, I think (hopefully not in the near future).
I don't believe he cares! It's something one of the people over the years has added to the list of change from the original bible sayings! That humans for what ever found it "rude!" Nothing to do with Christianity!
Not sure it's a Christian thing...it's a Catholic thing. I was born and raised Christian and was never told masturbation was a sin.
'Wankers doom' lol.....perhaps God feels guilty about his own masturbatory habits & therefore likes to punish others.
I'd have to agree with Pieceofmyheart. I'm an Anglican, and whilst I have heard this said before (once), I highly doubt the majority of Christians hold this view. I think GOD created us to be sexual beings, so I cannot see how HE would have a problem with it. I think that what can become a problem is the lusting and fantasizing that can go along with it (secular psychology has demonstrated this). The only Scripture that comes to my mind is Matthew 5:27-30, BUT I think the meaning here is quite different than what is often quoted. I think this passage has more to do with JESUS coming to change the Law (the instructions given to the Jewish people) and showing that humanity could not live up to it. Just my two cents. Hope this helps (and makes some sense - lol). Peace.
Seeking Personal Pleasures instead of seeking God. You could be praying instead of masturbating. Sexual immorality
You only have to go to church on a Sunday so that tells me God don't care if you straddle yourself any other day of the week.
Because God is everywhere, including in the minds of those who are jerking off-----and he doesn't want to know what kind of thoughts they are having about their sister while they are pounding their meat... I'M JOKING! The real problem is that a religion would be so arrogant as to decide how God would feel about such things. You can argue that its in the Bible, but that is still mankind writing down what they perceive to be the word of God. Even if God spoke to them directly, and they wrote down the experience exactly as it happened, it is still a human perception of what God is thinking. If you take two people and put them in a room and have them talk ethics and morality----you will still have two opinions of what was determined----and then when you write it down and share it with everyone else---you will have all kinds of opinions on it! And the protestants that are saying----no sir, not us, that must be a Catholic thing----Just because it is not being made an issue today, does not mean that it is not a thing---there is most certainly a historical context, and a few decades ago, it may not have been talked about openly, but it was certainly implied. If you don't believe me, see what happens when you masturbate during a church service----Man people are so repressed and narrow minded. It's just like my friend C. K. Louis was telling me the other day...