If there is a higher power(whatever religion you are) why did they create the followingnote: I list why these things shouldnt exist because if you can do anything you want as a "godly" being then you dont need to worry about certain things that logically follow in our current reality.) 1)Digestive system, why the fuck do we need it? To eat right? Just get rid of eating and create humans that dont eat and just have unlimited energy. If I was godly and could do whatever I want thered be no intestines, colon, anus, poop, or anything like that. 2)Piss, its kinda gross, sort of follows what I said about digestion, if you can do anything you want you dont need it. 3) Child molesters... well... I guess if your a child molestor yourself you would like to have that going on. But hell if I created children and adults I would just create a force feild around every child's genitals and stuff so that people couldnt molest them. The higher power that created us didnt create that guard, so the higher power cleary doesnt give a fuck. 4) Murder, I mean clearly if murder is horrible for you and you can do anything you want you would make it impossible to kill. Like, anytime someone tried to build a tank or a gun it wouldnt work, and if someone tried to stab someone or something a force field would protect them. 5) Sex, well the higher power wanted us to feel good, so he made our genitals feel good when we put them on the genitals of someone else. But... why did the higher power do this? Why did the higher power make this crazy looking reproductive organs when the higher power could just make constant new people all day long just by willing it? It feels good... so no prob there, just wish the babies didnt have to be born from it. 6) Ass hair... I mean if I was a higher power, I would only coat someone's anus in hair if I felt like having some lolz... But yea ass hair sucks, and whoever gave me it i'd like to kick them in the nutz. 7) Pubic hair.. Its just so damn gross... why?? why would someone make the sexual pleasure zone all icky with that shit? 8) Why did the higher power make the anus so close to the genitals? That sucks.. 9) Disease/famine/poverty/starvation/war, ok so it controls population? what the fuck?? So im a higher power, I can just say, "Ill make unlimited land, space, resources for this unlimited population" yet instead I create a spherecal rock so that people I put on it will all kill each other, get sick from the microorganisms I create(and fight against these critters they cant see with antibiotics, that in return make some of them stronger), and go crazy/blow each other away with weapons because they dont have enough space/resources. Y'know? it was the perfect plan I think to get some good lulz in a way. Make it so that the world is sphereical and shit with gravity so that when a person walks straight on it, it just brings them back to where they started so that there is a finite amount of space then pack it full of people and limited resources. Its a perfect concoction to create all kinds of grief. Shit that higher powers probly back there laughing like some kid that put an ant in a different ant hill. 10) Different races, i mean shit! see number 9.... Just another reason to get some lulz by watching people fight over something stupid. 11) Intellegence, so basically this higher power created all these medical problems that we get so that we could use our intellegence to cure them. Then each time you cure one... you live long enough for the next shitty medical problem! What the fuck? Then one day your out of time because you cant live long enough for the "smarter people" to develop a cure. It just seems like if theres actually some kinda higher power out there thats trying to watch over us all, and willfully created all this silly nonsense.. that this higher power is really fucking with us to the max. Theres probably more than 11 things... feel free to come up with more.
I didn't read the whole post but I really hate questions like this. The only good answer is there is no higher power but I'm sure that's a conclusion you've already drawn, in which case there is no point in even asking a question about a higher power when none exists.
To me it depends on how you want to define higher power... If you are referring to a deity which is all knowing, all powerful, ominpresent and similar to some of the depictions of religious Gods then I think you raise some good points. If you want to describe higher power as something which is perhaps significantly more advanced in characteristics than humans and which may have had some role in our existence, without necessarily possessing the all encompassing qualities of some of the religious depictions, well some of those points you raise may not hold as much weight. A few examples that come to mind is the possibility that if we live in a multiverse, an advanced being or civilization from another universe could have somehow transferred information for life to surface in our universe and since they may not necessarily be of infinite energy themselves, they have a finite amount of energy and information in which they could send to our universe. This obviously begs the question then where did they come from, which I'm not going to even pretend to know, just suggesting that it could possibly explain some of those points you mention. Even in our universe, dark matter seems to have a significant effect on celestial objects, perhaps dark matter entities, if they exist, have an effect on life. Another possible notion is perhaps higher dimensional beings which again may be finite in energy or have some other limitations but can relay information to lower dimensions. I'd assume these entities would evolve at a much quicker pace and provide lower dimensional beings with whatever they can lend or perhaps the 'scraps' depending on your viewpoint.
I always wondered why a higher power wouldn't let a life form get whatever they need through the air and osmosis without having to eat other living things....
Well think about it. Why would anyone create a living thing that eats other living things? Its kinda like the lil kid that sticks a magnifying glass over a grasshopper or something. the higher power thinks its funny maybe.?
Since I will never think to myself 'wow, god is real, and he's the reason my organs work( I'm gonna go ahead and say science has a lot to do with most of your questions. As for the negative ones like child molesters..... Negative shit happens. It's not right, but on any given day, a series of events will transpire. Some events will be good, and you will smile. Some will piss you off, others might make you sad or hurt. Such is fucking life. I think life is meant to be chaotic and strange.
Because over population would probably suck. If every thing continued to reproduce. But nothing was dying, then the world would be crowded of creatures.
But if we didn't need to worry about being eaten, and didn't need to find food to eat, overcrowding wouldn't matter as much. Plus, there would be more space for people since we wouldn't have to use so much land to raise food.
Not true. With that ridiculous quantity of organisms breathing, using air as food or whatever we wanna call it, we would need MORE plants, more trees, more oxygen to be created since we all exhale CO2 (right?) And so while we wouldnt need the fruits produced by plants, trees, etc, we would definitely need the plants to complete their cycle. I also think the fruits would be necessary anyway, because we still need the plants to reproduce themselves, which is part of the process.... So if we didn't eat these fruits and such, they would rot. Causing a huge quantity of whatever gases are produced by decomposition, methane, among others, right? So basically our world would be full of rotting fruit if nothing was going to consume it. Let's face it. The life cycle is fine without any higher powers even thinking about it.
So in this fictional reality, am i supposed to assume that fruit doesn't decompose? Do you know how completely fucked any ecosystem would be if nothing decomposed? What are the illogical rules of this illogical kingdom....
We live in this universe accordingly by it's (the universe, not the higher being's) laws. Why did a higher being created the universe like this? I don't know, even if It did so in the first place but just because we can imagine something better (utopia, eternal life, etc. etc.) does not mean it exists. If we are given everything by a higher being though, It did gave us the potential to work on our utopian ideas (and if I look at society it seems like we're using it to me. No, nothing's perfect.. perhaps thanks to our freedom? )!
I disagree with the concept of a higher power literally deciding to create this world. I've always been into science. and so it shows in this aspect. According to science, the earth formed over billions of year. And it did not always have the same as it is now. It was not always liveable. so it had to develop. I'm pretty sure any ecosystem that develops will follow certain rules, even if it created something vastly different. the organisms created would need fuel. would need to complete some sort of cycle of life and death. Am I taking this too literally?
I've always been into science too, to me it doesn't exclude eachother. I do not believe that if there's a higher being It created us in a day or 2 (or a week), that's for sure.
I've always thought the bible and other religious works were meant ti be taken metaphorically. So I guess it all works out, if its just a book full of laymens terms for what science did.... Freakin wankers
Yes, the bible is full of symbols, metaphors and parables. It's also 'just' one of many religious books. That doesn't make it less good of course, but it also means it isn't the (only) source for answers about this subject.
"...and on the seventh day he rested." Hmmm, I don't know about you guys, but from my perspective, God is still at it and hasn't rested yet, so maybe we are in the 6th day?
I disagree. If we refer to the original post, you see examples of things that a higher power would never allow, (according to OP) so i suppose, the higher power in question is resting now.