As technology gets better traveling gets easier and faster. We personally take full advantage of the time that we live in and LOVE to travel. In fact we can’t stress the importance of traveling enough! Traveling is essential for every human being to gain perspective and empathy. Much LOVE PAX&Q
I agree, but unfortunately a lot of people won't even get out of their state or country. Not me though, I've been to a lot of places and countries and will continue to do so for a good while longer.
Travel is good but I don't agree that it's essential to gaining perspective and empathy. I've met more than one person who for various reasons couldn't travel or don't want to and are not lacking in those areas and on the other hand people who travel extensively but appear to gain little of either.
Well why do you think that happens? Does it have to do with where they stay when they travel? Like a resort and don't even get to know the culture really.. Traveling honestly also shows you your place in the world. Because everyone essentially is a product of their surroundings. We know that many people have skills in something which would be a lot more appreciated in other countries or areas. You might even have a talent that you don't even know is a talent until you go to another place.
I thought the "why it is" for both sides were obvious and so didn't type them. Since you have for one side, I'll say that for those who don't travel there is the Internet, television, conversation with those who have travelled.. It's not correct to assert that someone without the financial ability or mental ability to cope are lacking in perspective or empathy.
No the why is "why do you think people that end up traveling can still lack in those areas?" bc it's obvious that every human being has the ability to gain perspective and empty in many different ways. Traveling is just one really effective way. In fact depending on where you travel to most likely the people you talk to haven't traveled all around the globe either and still are able to teach you those things. It's usually not the people with the lack of money that lack in empathy and perspective.
I love my last count I have visited or travelled thru 45+ countries. More so in the 80s ......the 90s were limited by bringing up kids tho we managed a bit with them. Now I want to move around more, few ties and within reason enough funds to do it. And most of my travels have been in Asia, africa and the antipodes. I was always more interested in other cultures than western ones. It's wonderful, different experiences and different people to find every day; and if u are sexually active then even more possibilities to meet and enjoy fun with all nationalities. But I always find u need to have a break and come 'home' every so often. To long a trip becomes an event in itself and 'takes over.' And isn't the world and it's people a wonderful place )) simon
and that's essential to the human experience, since the number one aspect of human experience is paying bills.
You don't need to travel to gain perspective and empathy. But it can help. I guess depending on where. Almost every American goes either to the Caribbean, or Europe when going overseas. Its an easier trip in my opinion. I prefer to go outside of that. I like places that are much different than my own. I see how others live then come back here and see the absurd things we whine and complain about.
I just spend whatever i have. When i was younger i use to hoard it all. I didn't start traveling internationally until i was 32 years of age. Its like i went back and forth between rich and poor.
I met a lady from the Black Forest in Germany today who had just cycled (in the uk) from Manchester all the west coast of Scotland, the outer Hebrides, all the north of scotland and having a rest day in Inverness! she told me she had cycled in 99 countries but she now despaired of tourism and was going to stop. she was around 60 years old. Having done my major trips in the 1980s and having returned to some of those places in the last ten years I have to say I know what she means. Travel is wonderful in the nature, physical and the exposure to other peoples and cultures but as the world population grows and many get so much wealthier, combined with media and communications it is a different world and travel experience today. The North of scotland with hundreds of miles of single-track roads simply cannot cope with the seasonal invasions of RVs/camper vans. People are killing the environments that they are so keen to visit. I'm not sure how the future of travel will be :-( Simon
I set off travelling with US$2000 in 1980 and travelled for two and a half years, earning some money working in Australia over 5 months. Of course that went further then than it would now, but it depends on how simply you wish to travel....... Simon