Why the Lowering Birth Rates?

Discussion in 'Birth Control' started by Intrepid37, Mar 23, 2023.

  1. Intrepid37

    Intrepid37 Banned

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    Sandman thinks about it - although he's not allowed to speculate too much about that certain thing he put in his title (YouTube is still pretty punitive about the Coof). But it's a valid question to wonder about - considering the decline in birth rates.

  2. newo

    newo Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Access to birth control means people don't have to have kids. And many are choosing not to. Those who do tend to have smaller families than in the past. My parents had 5 kids as the pill wasn't on the market for the first 10 years of their marriage. Back then 5 kids wasn't an abnormally large family, unlike today. A lower birth rate is a good thing, though world population continues to climb.
    Toker, tjr1964 and granite45 like this.
  3. granite45

    granite45 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Demographers tell us that the lowered birth rate is a widespread phenomenon and the increases will be at an ever decreasing rate. The earth must be breathing a cautious sigh of relief.
    kinulpture likes this.
  4. Bilby

    Bilby Lifetime Supporter and Freerangertarian Super Moderator

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    Lack of affordable housing is a factor.
    Toker, Piney and Sagewynd like this.
  5. M_Ranko

    M_Ranko Straight edge xXx

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    With the job market being the atrocious piece of shit that it is today, the prospect of having a kid in poverty just isn't attractive to many people. Employers and the politicians covering for them broke the social contract when they exported western manufacturing jobs to Asian cheap labor markets in their greed, therefore destroying job and income security for the lower classes. Who in their right mind wants to try having a large family under such conditions?

    Also, I'm not sure if this has registered with that many people, but the so called "boomer divorce epidemic" has disillusioned a lot of younger generations about love, and many millenials just don't care to even try a traditional relationship anymore. Thus, no kids.
  6. straightma1e

    straightma1e Members

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    This is a major contributing factor in some countries and cultures. In the US the boomers divorced at an high rate, 48%. The next generation, boomers kids called Gen X divorce at a 38% clip. So now Millennials come along and put off marriage to avoid the pain of divorce. Plus they don't want to put their offspring through what they went through so they don't have children. Add in the Chinese government edict intended to slow their population growth that set a trend. Even though Chinas one child policy has been abolished the birth rate for Chinese women is only 1.3 children. A lot of Chinese women have opted to remain childless focusing instead on careers and personal goals and not family building.
    Toker and M_Ranko like this.
  7. tjr1964

    tjr1964 Members

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    What is a new form of birth control .... the economy and the state of human interactions .

    Here, a man's prospective .
    When a man is younger in between 20 and 35, most are getting their life together ; mentally, physically, philosophically and financial.
    Most statistics show, that a majority of young men are not marrying, probably because they seen what a divorce can do to a man, either seeing their friends of fathers going thru the hell of divorce.
    And they are realizing it's not worth it .... and in many many cases, it's not worth it ....emotionally, financially or spiritually.
  8. sycophantlover

    sycophantlover Members

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    Women do not want to carry a parasite for nine months that stretches them out of shape and puts them in a medical panic just at the 50% possibility the father will walk away and skirt his responsibilities and leave her holding the bag. It's better to bust a nut and keep it moving.
    wilsjane, tjr1964 and kinulpture like this.
  9. tjr1964

    tjr1964 Members

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    Look at statistics and the failure rate of marriage, the toxic female syndrome emotional damage and economic factors.
    Many modern women are as greedy as a Corporate CEO of an Big Oil company .
    No Fault Marriage killed the institution of Marriage .

    Would you want to enter a partnership with a high failure rate and where the other automatically get 70 % of all assets of everything you worked for ( before the marriage, the house, the children and assets?

    Many young men seen how divorce is so unjustly leans towards women, who in most circumstances, get rewarded for bad / poor choices and toxic behavior.

    The Men Going Their Own Way movement and the Pass Port Brotherhood is growing due to the toxic Nature of Modern American Femanazism .
    At the College I am attending, many of members of a particular Women's club are encouraging Narcissism, toxicity and irresponsibility .... many women on campus are ignoring their invitations to go to their functions.
    One Woman, who attended, told me, " It as hateful as a Trump Rally, and is platform of hatred against men " .
    She said they don't really focus on issues that truly matter to Women .
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2023
  10. granite45

    granite45 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Many of us have a more positive view of marriage and partnership with another person. I was born in month two of the postwar baby boom and saw the miserable way women were treated routinely in and out of marriage….both by men and society in general. In church, on the job, in families….the term servitude comes to mind. Discrimination in every form imaginable was the system and men have a loooooong way to go in making amends. I personally would not want to have been treated that way. Lets see what procreation and marriage look like in an environment of mutual respect and caring. Me personally and society in general aren’t there yet.
    kinulpture and 6Sailor9 like this.
  11. Red Velvet Cupcake

    Red Velvet Cupcake Newbie

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    In some parts of the world birth rates are increasing. After the abortion ban in the Southern states, for example, the birth rates there have increased for better or worse.

    The cost of living has tripled over the decade and most people cannot afford a child even if they would like to care for one. I have to say people in my generation mostly don't like kids or marriage (doesn't matter the sex of the person) because of the lack of freedom and sharing assets. A woman in particular would rather be independent and men don't like being tied down to a woman and providing for one. Marriage was never about love and never will be. It was for survival. So now that we have a choice to live alone and provide for ourselves, of course the rate of marriage and children are declining.
    Toker likes this.
  12. tjr1964

    tjr1964 Members

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    Men are not marrying because they see what a divorce has done to their Family and friends.
    Marriage is great for Women, they can divorce for the silliest reasons, take 70% of the Ex's money, the Children, financial assets and home.
    Plus, today's Femanist is pretty much a HATE Group of Karen's, you can never be happy with an extremist.

    Believe it or not, Gay men have a lower divorce rate, followed by Male / Female unions , yet Lesbians have the Highest of Divorce rate of all group .
    Why ?, because Women are the leading cause of divorce.
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2024
  13. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    I will certainly recognise you, if we pass walking down the street.
    Your front sandwich board will read,........... "The end is nigh"
    And the rear one will read,..........."Look out, here it comes" :D:D:D
    scratcho likes this.
  14. straightma1e

    straightma1e Members

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    I have to challenge this statement because it has been proven that marriage is the main cause of divorce.:eek:
    Toker likes this.
  15. Bocci

    Bocci Members

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    It’s getting more difficult each year to not become a “conspiracy theorist”. And, if one starts to notice those who seem to promote all of the social ills and ways of getting people to self-select out of the gene pool, then one will be condemned as the worst type of thought-criminal and lose one's livelihood at the least.
  16. tjr1964

    tjr1964 Members

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    I have a positive view of Marriage, I've been in mine 27 and half years.
    I speak to many young men, too many Women want 6 figure incomed men want traditional men; be provider's, protectors and other responsibilities .... while most " Modern Femanists" want to avoid accountability, responsibility and are not wife material in a Marriage.
    This isn't the Gloria Stienem Feminsts anymore, many are believing in the subjugation or illinimation of men .
  17. Bocci

    Bocci Members

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    “62400 repetitions make one truth.” The women are constantly fed nonsense so they have come to believe it. This has temporarily put the wife-to-whore ratio out of its Nash equilibrium. But reality is a bitch and will, eventually, correct the situation. Nature will teach those who can learn and eliminate the rest.
  18. tjr1964

    tjr1964 Members

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    People are being forced to believe in things and are baited in by their Racism, Sexism , Bigotry and over all ignorance .
    I faced all those things ; being the wrong sex, being too young or too old , being the target of people's hatred because I am the wrong race to be excluded or endangered and discriminated in in employment opportunities or at the work place.

    You don't have to preach about odds and equations .... I AM TALKING ABOUT LIFE, NOT NUMBERS .
    Toker likes this.
  19. tjr1964

    tjr1964 Members

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    We are going to have to end this age of Austerity that has been impossed on us since Ronald Reagan.
    Inflation is only , truly, Corporate Price Fixing and the American Heirachy have brain washed people from the 1980's Trickle Down Voodoo / Plastic Patriot to charging the Capital Building on 1-6-2021 to overturn the Will of the Majority of Americsns and Democracy with failed Coup Attempt thru a terrorist attack.
    Look at the people being evicted, being homeless, don't have enough to eat, having their jobs exported by CEO's and share holders ....then brain wash the ignorant ..... Oh, they love America, don't they !!!!
    scratcho and Toker like this.
  20. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    It's the american way. Not enough to eat? Tough shit --get a job. Losing your home? Tough shit--musta been your fault. Get a job. Can't afford 40,000 dollar cars--tough shit--get ANOTHER job. Your kids are hungry? Tough shit--shouldna had so many. Can't afford 3 , 4 or 500,000 dollar homes? Tough shit buster---it's gonna always be like this from here on out. Figure it out for yourself, whiner.:weary:
    tjr1964 likes this.

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