We could sense that the mystery would be solved without our help.
^ That photo that's being claimed as showing Amelia after her plane crash was actually taken in 1935. Amelia disappeared in 1937. So the timeline is off.
True psychics do not charge for it. The people who sell themselves to police and worried parents are the scam artists. I don't think it's as simple as they close their eyes and say ok she is at this latitude and longitude. But that is what most people expect because that's what the scam artist says they can do. The spirits need a reason to speak with them and that usualy means the psychic is in the presence of their loved one or some reason like that.
Amelia and her machine have been dispersed into parts . Look to the sky , and there , is the her Oneness .
yeah better question would be why do they charge people money instead of predicting lotto numbers the answer is because the lotto isnt a fool
Professional psychics are paid for their counseling services . Rationalistic language is not required for this , just a story the client will relate to . And then , if all you need is to find your lost wallet - this is most often a free and friendly service . Could it be a friend you have lost ? I would ask a little bird to send along a message to that person .
it's because amelia earhart herself is a psychic, and thus is able to telepathically block any other psychics from locating her.
At a pilot's funeral ceremony a plane flies over the gathering , straight line , disappearing beyond the horizon .
I have bounced off a few self-styled psychics in my life... there was Swami Jagganath who came to town back in the '60s, charming the high-society housewives and not only bedding as many as possible, but taking generous cash donations for his 'services' before being escorted off the island and told never to return. And then there was a good friend who insisted that not only me, but my brother must have readings by this 'enlightened master' who was visiting and holding court in her home, while meanwhile having a grand time collecting $300 per person for a one hour reading, cassette tape recording included. As this was a gift, we went, and later on compared tapes... and were highly amused to hear basically the same rap on both hour long recordings... as if he had a memorized script and just spewed forth in a great style...acting the part of psychic. Also knew a woman in Las Vegas who was prescient to a degree, but completely missed the boat on all the important stuff and basically it was all about the show reading the tarot cards and so forth... quite amusing indeed. So yes... I don't think much of psychics, but astrology... the science of it, not the horoscopes, there is a subject worthy of studying.
there is an entire jet airliner missing with couple hundred people????...never mind Amelia...find them
^ Yeah, I know a guy who knows an alcoholic who bought a new liver from one of the parted out missing passengers.
Before reversing direction , radar showed the plane made a steep ascent . At its peak , the passengers were killed when deprived of breathable air .. It's none of your gruesome business what happened to the bodies .