Why Marxism Failed In Africa

Discussion in 'Communism' started by Motion, Jun 6, 2020.

  1. Motion

    Motion Senior Member

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    Some critiques of the Marxist and Socialist policies of Africa's new post-colonial leaders.

  2. Motion

    Motion Senior Member

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    After gaining independence only two sub-Saharan African countries had leaders who were open to capitalism. Those countries were Botswana and the Ivory Coast. By African standards they both have had Africa's better economies.

    The Ivory Coast:

  3. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Imagine another country not taking to anothers ideologies lol.

    Fucken shocked right?

  4. granite45

    granite45 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Might have something to do with the fact the colonial powers systematically underdeveloped the African nations. All of the infrastructure was constructed to extract the wealth and to serve the colonial masters, not the people living there. Colonialism was the gift that just keeps on giving. Wonder why it’s hard for those countries to function. More capitalism would be like saying a man dying from lung cancer needs to smoke more.
    ZenKarma likes this.
  5. Motion

    Motion Senior Member

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    Many Africans might say that corruption is a big reason infrastructure development hasn't been better expanded around the continent.

    This is about corruption in relation to infrastructure. It also touches on some solutions.

    "Instead of inviting contractors to bid for a once-off project with a single, large price tag, the government called for the provision of a well-maintained road over a 10-year period.

    This is a clever mechanism as it discourages the kind of ‘build and run’ approach taken by unscrupulous contractors on some projects in Africa and other regions, projects which leave the client country with shoddily constructed piece of infrastructure that quickly falls into disrepair..."

    African roundtable on good infrastructure governance - Corruption Watch
  6. Motion

    Motion Senior Member

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    How do Communist recognize when to do things differently with an industry?

    Under capitalism business owners know when to do something different with their businesses based on signals that they get from the market or consumer spending patterns.

    Since a Communist economy doesn't rely on market feedback then how do Communist know when to change anything with businesses or industries? What signals are they relying on for when to make changes?

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