Why Is Some Slavery White?

Discussion in 'Science and Technology' started by Jimbee68, Jul 20, 2017.

  1. Jimbee68

    Jimbee68 Member

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    (Yeah, I guess this is the right forum for this question. Hip doesn't seem to have a general questions' forum :wall:.)

    I guess I can tell you all. I don't at all understand the term "white slavery". It is still used today, so it couldn't be racist. But why is it "white", slavery i.e.? I know the Mann Act is supposed to address it. But that just adds to the confusion. The Mann Act addresses taking women across state lines for immoral purposes. How is that slavery at all, white (or black)?

    :rastana: [​IMG]
  2. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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  3. jpdonleavy

    jpdonleavy Members

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    Our dusky brethren in the Middle East - The Maghreb and the Levant - had a penchant for white western blondes and were happy to have them kidnapped and brought to their harems (hareems), where they lived as slaves to their masters' whims - though weren't necessarily greatly mistreated. The worst of it was that they couldn't FaceTime back home

    they were white and they were slaves - ergo: white slaves. There were plenty of black slaves around at the time but the whites were prized - just as they are today
  4. Beach Ball Lady Balls

    Beach Ball Lady Balls Banned

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    During the Arab slave trade, they enslaved far more whites than they did blacks or browns.

    Also, the word Slave is a derivative of the word Slav. Meaning the ancient Romans and Arabians enslaved the Slavic people of Eastern Europe.

    So yeah, in a way, wouldn't it be racist to assume white people were never slaves in the first place?
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  5. Ajay0

    Ajay0 Guest

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    On a genetic basis, I am not sure if this is wholly true, because I don't recall seeing white or blonde Arabs . This might have been the case among the Turks though. Redhaired people in Scandinavian countries are said to be common due to the viking raids in ireland in medieval times.

    Slavery means to treat a human being as an object or as mere matter, a means to an end, without taking into regard or account his or her sentient consciousness.

    Rape, murder, cruelty and all evil consists in this disregard for the consciousnness of the other and treating the other as mere matter, and not as an expression of sentient consciousness.

    The lower the state of consciousness or sensitivity of an individual or society, the greater the tendency to enslave and also to be enslaved.

    All that which raises the state of consciousness or sensitivity of an individual or society, also reduces the tendency to enslave and also to be enslaved.
  6. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    i've actually never heard this term before this thread. i keep imagining it as white collar slavery, so i'm going to assume it means enslaving someone to be your accountant.

    so basically what all governments and corporations do, along with most individuals.
  7. Ajay0

    Ajay0 Guest

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    Slavery is really weakness that comes with lack of perception of reality as it is, due to beliefs, conditioning and conceptual fixations, and which prevents proper intelligent thought and action as warranted by the situation. Where such weakness is manifest, slavery co-exists as a companion.

    Slavery to inner addictions, as well as slavery to religious,corporate and ideological conditioning,government propaganda comes under this.
  8. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Or people just enslaved people to do the hard work and labor.

    I really think some people read way too far into this. You have slaves because life is shit so to enforce people to do the shit kicking work, works for people. Not much more to it.
  9. Ajay0

    Ajay0 Guest

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    The conditioning of a people determines the extent to which they are vulnerable to slavery and external authority. In spite of great scientists, engineers and intellectuals, philosophers like Martin Heidegger, majority of Germans including Heidegger in the second world war decided to follow the charismatic Adolf Hitler armed with an emotive, superficial ideology, and was lead in a course of action towards eventual defeat and destruction . If the Germans had exercised critical thinking on their own , they would not have followed the mediocre Hitler like sheep and could have prevented the Nazi subversion of German democracy then.

    The assassination attempt against Hitler led by his finest general Erwin Rommel in Operation Valkyire shows that the military think-tanks disapproved of his conditioned thought process which was in variance with critical military thought and action , and which was leading Germany to military disaster.

    Carl von Ossietzky, who was a similar soldier like Hitler in the first world war, denounced war instead, became a pacifist and strongly criticized the literary anti-semitism that was coming up in Germany and Europe in order to condition the german people for violence, as well as the German clandestine rearmament with critical articles. He received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1935, but was rejected by the conditioned German society and eventually died in Nazi custody in 1938.
  10. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    I agree, it also explains why these east european Slavic people were enslaved so much: up until this day they're known for working hard physical jobs for cheap :-D ;)
  11. jpdonleavy

    jpdonleavy Members

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    Are you saying that Arabs/Arab culture are/is pretty fucked up???
  12. jpdonleavy

    jpdonleavy Members

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    We knew it as teenagers - the word appeared from time to time on the covers of salacious novels and PLAYBOY (which started back in the Stne Age - had it cased from the get go
  13. jpdonleavy

    jpdonleavy Members

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    it's acted out in marriages, offices, the boy scouts, cults, fraternal orders - in fact every nation and every stratum of every society has its own versions and variations (except possibly Ba'hai folk

    Kilroy: NO - that's not Bali HI so don't start singing
  14. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    I don't like this because it seems to play with the idea of competition between African Americans vs. Caucasian people. E.g. "Why is slavery an issue? White people are slaves too." end of rant. This is just the impression I'm getting. Go ahead and get on your high horse about it you won't be changing my opinion of this sort of thing.
  15. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    I remember reading an article a couple of years ago about the Asian fishing industry. The writer of the article described going to Thailand and seeing men in cages.

    So there's that. I actually stopped eating seafood after reading that unless I know its locally caught.

    Then around here you're always hearing stories of women being stalked by men in weird vans, just read a post on facebook the other day written by an acquaintance so I know it isnt just an urban legend, she described how her daughter was followed to a local Target by a group of men in a white van and then followed into Target and they stalked her around the store

    And not too long ago I remember hearing about a bust in Atlanta, a Mcmansion was raided and there were sex slaves living in it. And a friend of mine did some work on a house in my own city which was later raided and sex slaves were living in it.

    That kind of shit really scares me. I like taking long meandering walks at night alone but I just dont anymore. How ridiculous is that, a white girl living in suburbia scared to walk alone for fear of being kidnapped and sold into sexual slavery? But it happens

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