Why is Old not sexy?~ for Men

Discussion in 'Men's Issues' started by BlissRainbow, Apr 1, 2013.

  1. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Old? Repulsive? Stinky? ahhhhh--you got me. Still having sex? Got me again.
  2. BlissRainbow

    BlissRainbow Member

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    Thank you all, especially you GBBlondie for showing me the error of my thinking, as such I have almost completely re-written my entire first post to be more like a series of questions asking how people feel about age, instead of being over-generalizing and faulty in my logic.~ Instead of accusing the world, I should just be inquisitive.~
    Hornyinmyrttle likes this.
  3. BlissRainbow

    BlissRainbow Member

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    Anyone else want to share their thoughts on age and what they like?~
  4. meridianwest

    meridianwest Senior Member

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    yeah, i never understood this either. throughout my life i've always been most attracted to people more or less my own age. I'm 30 soon and guys 10 years younger than me i fail to see as attractive anymore. luckily my sexual attractions haven't gotten stuck to a certain age, they age as i do. i really don't get the fascination with youth. and i definitely wouldn't want to be 20 myself either. that time has come and gone and i am in a much better place with myself. as you age you assume a certain weight to your life, and i for one like it. and it's sexy, to see it in others too, and how they've gotten to the point they are at.

    do people want to look like little girls and boys? i've found that weird too. grown men who shave off their body hair fully, is one example of such a mental trend. all my life i've looked younger than i really am. right now, most people who don't know me offer me 25 max. it's ridiculous. while i admit it's not really that bad, if anything, i'd want to look older. wrinkles add a certain rough edge to the face, and an older face without ones will appear unnatural.

    all in all, i think if a person is satisfied with their life and who they are -- i.e. feels comfortable in their own age -- then it doesn't matter how old they are, they can still be attractive/sexy. but, being in denial about your own age, consciously pursuing looking/being younger, there's nothing more pathetic in a person than that.
  5. meridianwest

    meridianwest Senior Member

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    yeah, coincidentally i didn't see anybody throwing around 'evolution' before Charles Darwin. Before him it was mostly 'reproduction'. these two get quoted as reasons for attractions. funny thing is, i never chose to be attracted to anybody. i mean the specific individuals. i've found myself pulled towards guys that i haven't even found attractive at first sight, but we start talking and there's something there....

    evolution does not work backwards. this is perfect backwards logic, saying evolution determines who you're attracted to. we have survived as species because 'reproduction' (which in its basic essence is just the sexual act itself, whether in the form of masturbation, homosexual or heterosexual act) is pleasurable to us, and we have pursued it, and keep pursuing it throughout our lives. that's what evolution means. that's how species survive. it's not a conscious decision. and it definitely wasn't a conscious decision to all the other species that came before us, or when the first amino acids appeared. and if it hadn't been pleasurable or beneficial to pursue it on an individual basis, we as species would be extinct, evolution notwithstanding.
  6. JKHolman

    JKHolman Member

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    Three cheers to the Poet Sappho (I have been described as a good-looking 52).

    - JKHolman
  7. MikeE

    MikeE Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    I think that part of it is the social context.

    Young folks and old folks socialize in different ways, listen to different music, talk about different things. I don't listen to Eminem, young folks don't listen to Loretta Lynn. Its less likely that a young woman and I will be a social situation that leads to sex. And "attraction" is a learned behavior. For example, folks raised in Japan aren't "nutritionally attracted" to cheese, because experience hasn't taught them that cheese is good eating. People are sexually attracted to the kind of people they meet in situations that lead to sex. If young and old don't mix socially, the young won't associate those body features (eg. grey hair) as being sexually attractive. (The old will remember their sexual attraction to non-grey hairs).

    Unless one wants to blame Vogue magazine, I thinks the social differences (different music, different habits) are more a factor than purely physical features.

    I think that not getting Lee's cultural references is what makes him less sexy to young folk more than his bald head.
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MuAUG-AxweQ"]Weavers Re-union Concert - Get up and go - YouTube

    WOLF ANGEL Senior Member - A Fool on the Hill Lifetime Supporter

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    I feel an Attraction to feminine youth - their freshness, innocence, hope and purity
    When an Oldie and a Youngie are seen together, there are presumptions, assumptions and judgements
    I've grown used to the knowledge that 'that' "ain't gonna happen"
    It's not a bee all and end all thing, and I'm still gonna look for a 'soul-mate' of youthful persona and spirit - (Aged not based on years, but on outlook) =seems a good idea
    I then look into the unforgiving terror of the mirror and ... oh well
  9. Hoppípolla

    Hoppípolla Senior Member

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    I think age is just a number, really.

    I know of some amazing people who have so much life for their ages!

    Try Googling people like Markus Rothkranz (50 and looks about 32), Mimi Kirk (70 and looks about 50) and Oleda Baker (85 and looks about 50!).

    It's amazing really.

    I know it's not all about looks, but they all also have so much energy and vibrance it's unreal! :)
  10. MikeE

    MikeE Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    My knees tell me that age is more than just a number.
  11. usedtobehoney

    usedtobehoney Senior Member

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    If you think 30 is old you have a serious problem. 30 is young. I think what people fail to realize, probably because of this 18 is adult standard is that we are really still completely child-like until our brains have fully developed and lots of things are still developing in your 20's. Also, how someone ages definitely depends on their health and outlook on life, and the number has little to do with how attractive someone is or isn't.
  12. redgingergirl

    redgingergirl Member

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    My husband is 48 and I am 22. I find him to be the sexiest man I have ever met. I love his wisdom, crows feet, and the twinkle in his eyes. He is fit for his age and eats well. He looks like he is in his early thirty’s. His age doesn't change the way I feel about him or how I view him. I told him that if he goes bald I'll lick his shiny chrome dome in public. If he goes senile I'll trick him into thinking I'm the escort he paid for. If he gets feeble I'll take care of him until his last breath. I type these words with truth and love because it is not the age that makes someone sexy, it's who they choose to be.
  13. Monkey Boy

    Monkey Boy Senior Member

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    I think it depends a lot on personality and whether someone takes care of themself. Both my brother-in-laws act and look like they're in their late 30's even though they're actually 50-55.
  14. sunfighter

    sunfighter Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    I'm immersed in online dating at the age of 62, which is rather strange. I'm in demand, partly because there's a lot more women in my age range than men and a lot of men write boring profiles and look for women much younger. I think my sex life is going to be active and exciting for a while. I've been looking at hundreds of profiles of women in their 50's, some in their 60's, so I'm constantly dealing with the fact that altho I would love to date a younger woman, that really isn't going to happen. A lot of women in their 50's are still very sexy and exciting to be with.
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  15. RainyDayHype

    RainyDayHype flower power Lifetime Supporter

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    I think old is sexy. I whole heartedly embrace my daddy issues.
  16. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I wish to proclaim that when the lights are out----I look 18. It has been said that a gun is an equalizer. It's equally true with a light switch!
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  17. Gongshaman

    Gongshaman Modus Lascivious

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    "I will be your father figure, put your tiny hand in mine
    I will be your preacher/teacher, anything you have in mind..." ;)

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJu170h7EhE"]George Michael - Father Figure (lyrics) - YouTube
  18. Rod Hardwick

    Rod Hardwick Guest

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    I don't know about "your" social circle, but I am DELIGHTED that in the gay world in California, there are LOTS of young guys who are really turned on by playing with daddies, often the older the better. I'm 76 and going strong, and never have a problem at all. Of course there are lots who just like younger guys, too, but SO MANY appreciate older men and their experience, knowledge, and special touch.
  19. oldwolf

    oldwolf Waysharing-not moderating Super Moderator

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    I've always been much more interested in the person than the package.
    Looking within and seeing you is O so much more than seeing someone sexual.
    Not that that Path is normal. But weird has always pricked my curiosity.
    Have you ever seen someone shining bright from within ?
    That attracts my interest much more than physical beauty
  20. Alternative_Thinker

    Alternative_Thinker Darth Mysterious

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    Actually, yes and no as far as I'm concerned. I believe the whole age thing is often due to social expectations, or societal standards where people are conditioned to feel more or less discouraged to interact with those of different age groups. Old people talking to young people are more often than not perceived as "creepy" even if there is nothing "creepy" going on. But I could listen to the music today and actually enjoy it, and I know many people in their teen who get off on classic rock stuff like Led Zeppelin, The Doors, Pink Floyd, shit like that. Plus, the basic concept of chilling with your friends have never changed in my opinion. Kids today get together with their friends and socialize, just like we used to do that as kids, and still do as adults. So yes, societal influences may have a lot to do with how one perceives another, but no, I don't think it's necessarily related to the "cultural" side of the things like music and such where interaction between different age groups is concerned. I personally believe it has more to do with how much of what society says is digested as "truth", because there are people who don't even question society. And from my own experience, younger people actually are more willing to open up to the older party than the older party are toward the younger ones.

    I still maintain my view that each person perceives the age issue differently. I'm in my late 30's now, but I've always been attracted to girls who are younger than I. Naturally, the girls I've actually ended up dating are the ones who happen to be attracted to older men.....either that, or they just don't view age as important. I'm cool with either, really. In terms of my current girlfriend, I'm MUCH older than she is but she finds me desirable. She has told me she naturally prefers older men, but the funny thing is that I don't really consider myself as emotionally "old". That part of me still feels like I'm 17, lol. But of course, physically I'm definitely ageing even with my looks naturally being youthful enough. At any rate, in my girlfriend's case she isn't attracted to the experience aspect that usually comes with "older". Hell, I'm still a virgin and she's fully aware of it. But we're attracted to each other because we simply are.

    At the end of the day, beautiful people are beautiful regardless of age, or sex, or whatever status they may hold. On that note, cheese is definitely "nutritionally attractive" wherever you go as long as people are willing to get past the societal conditioning, and Japan is no exception to speak from my own experience in the said country. ;) Actually, Japanese have been quite fondly eating the stuff for decades now, lol.
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