Why I disagree with Libertarianism

Discussion in 'Libertarian' started by TrumpCards, Apr 4, 2018.

  1. srgreene

    srgreene Members

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    !@#$% politicians are into people's pockets enough. You want them in more?

    BTW, there are stringent limits as to what individuals can give to political campaigns.
  2. granite45

    granite45 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Of course this is not reality. The end runs that the wealthy and their corporate (individuals!) make around campaign finance laws are frequent, copious, and coming faster than ever. The myth the community oriented programs are”into people’s pockets” is both destructive and untrue. It’s not an accident that the economic structure is stacked against 95% of the population and, worse, dependent on conservative lies to keep it that way. A virus in every sense of the word.
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2020
    scratcho likes this.
  3. srgreene

    srgreene Members

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    Interesting and imaginative claim.

    How is "the economic structure ... stacked against 95% of the population and, worse, dependent on conservative lies to keep it that way."? What lies??
  4. granite45

    granite45 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    One measure of an economic system stacked against people is the geni coefficient which measures income, or wealth accruing to each segment of the population. The current concentration of wealth for the wealthiest segment in the US is worse than many third world counties. Worse yet, it has been on a steady trend to more inequality since 1980...thanks to RR and Republicans. You can check the historical data derived from ES 202 info. As far as lies, ever hear of the”trickle down theory”? or “a rising tide lifts all boats”? or “the poor just don’t work hard enough”. or the “death tax” or what Trump said today, or yesterday, or the day before that. RR and the current crop of oligarchs have even suggested not collecting income and wealth info because they didn’t like what it showed.
    FWKbi likes this.
  5. srgreene

    srgreene Members

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    What a preposterously biased way to describe a situation. It reveals your true intent, which is simply to disparage Republicans and conservatives. I would be willing to bet that tendency, to the extent it exists, has continued under Republican and Democrat administrations. I also suspect it is of longer duration than you indicate

    You show a willingness to conflate income with wealth, and I suspect the failure to distinguish the two is driven by a desire to obfuscate. Government programs aimed at relieving poverty increase the wealth of those at the bottom of the economic spectrum.

    What other countries do is irrelevant to the question I asked. One way to level the field economically, embraced by communist regimes for over a century, is simply to ban wealth (except somehow, that didn't apply to the politically connected).

    And yes, what you disparagingly but mindlessly refer to as "trickle down" does in fact work: it is manifestly not a lie. Material prosperity for all is dependent on the industry of those who create the wealth, and, under capitalism, all have the opportunity to create the wealth. We all benefit from the advances generated by the Jay Goulds, the John D Rockefellers, Andrews Carnegie and Grove, and Sam Wall & Jeff Bezos. Of course, few will achieve that level, but well all benefit from them. They- not you- deserve the direct benefits of their creations: you and I are passive beneficiaries.

    Your answer to my question is intellectual pablum.
  6. srgreene

    srgreene Members

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    For sure, socialism attracts a "fair number of cranks." Indubitably, it shackles the human spirit and foments misery. So what is it about this desperate ideology that's so disparate to nature, and so antithetical to happiness — besides the fact it creates nothing except poverty?

    I'm violating my own rule here by arguing by comics, but I found this too tempting to resist in this context. It was posted here today:

    Why Socialism Is The Pursuit Of Unhappiness
    6-eyed shaman likes this.
  7. rasta g child

    rasta g child flower power

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    streamLine the govt
  8. FWKbi

    FWKbi Members

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    Here's a loose thought, just discovered this thread, so don't know if covered already:

    I haven't noticed anyone who denigrates socialism mention the institutes of socialism in our society that we already benefit from.
  9. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I mentioned some yesterday, I believe. : USPS, Firefighters, police, military, roads, bridges, traffic lights and other directions, social security , food banks, food inspections, business regulations (ooo--republicans hate those), and I'm sure others that I haven't thought of.
    FWKbi likes this.
  10. FWKbi

    FWKbi Members

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    The question itself is a lie
  11. FWKbi

    FWKbi Members

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    Which thread?
  12. FWKbi

    FWKbi Members

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    Very good at BS that glosses over reality, you don't mention the workers who make minimum wage, they can't live on, have no health coverage, and yet put their lives at risk so your heroes of slave labor can get what they "derserve" because they know how to take advantage of people.
  13. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Yeah srgreene--I proudly disparage republicans as the fascist liars they are. :mad:
    FWKbi likes this.

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