Ok, I know I'm talking to the converted here, but I honestly don't get why more people don't go barefoot on nice summer days. It should be the same as wearing shorts or summer dresses, just a thing that lots of people do on a warm day. I get that some people may have medical reasons, fair enough, but for the majority, just do it. I've been out quite a bit today, obviously barefoot, and I reckon at least 70% of other people out there were wearing flip flops or sandals, so this tells me that most people aren't foot shy in any way, they have no problem with strangers seeing their bare toes etc. Also, in my experience at least, most folks go barefoot at home now, so I think it's fair to say that for a large majority of the population, bare feet is something they like having. I met a friend in a pub garden today, again most people there were in sandals or flip flops and a couple of women had kicked theirs off to enjoy the feeling of being barefoot, but I bet I was the only one who walked home with bare feet. Is it a social stigma thing, or maybe they're scared of treading on something? Who knows I wonder if going barefoot was seen as just a normal thing to do, how many people would?
Their are some people think going barefoot in public places that it’s gross and not healthy. And their are some people that think that people should only go barefoot in their home not outdoor. Are some people think bare feet are gross as well. I know some people are all of what I have described.
Those old "No Shirt, No Shoes, No Service" signs and mentality did not help. Add to that the freedom some people feel when expressing their every opinion and you have a hostile environment. People call the police on a barefoot person...because they are barefoot. I guess this is minor when compared to other crazy behaior going on out there. Maybe more people need an edible!
Many people are simply worried about injuring their feet, and feel that they need the added protection. In the past, aside from having the foot shyness issue, I also didn't wanna deal with the injuries that could result from stepping on sharp, painful things.
People seem to have a hang up about feet though, more than any other part of the body. In hot weather I often see men walking around with no shirt on, and no one seems to care. I have no problem with them doing it obviously but if I walked down the street barefoot behind a topless guy, I'd be the one getting all the stares. It's the same when it comes to sex, if you say you find feet attractive people automatically think you have a foot fetish, but that doesn't have to be the case, feet are just the same as any other part of the body. No one thinks it strange to find legs or bottoms attractive. I honestly think there are a lot more people out there who like feet and would go barefoot but have been made to think that it's something to be ashamed of.
As soon as you put the flip flops on with just a much foot showing as being barefoot no one seems to care. Weird, just weird....
Speaking for me only here. Being a foot shy person my whole life while also having a fetish for womans feet (I keep it to myself), I am still working up to the barefoot lifestyle. I am barefoot 100% of the time at my house. I have recently ventured into hiking barefoot, I still panic when I hear or see people coming my way, but I pass them any way. So for me, home and outdoors is where I am at. As far as being in public places like Walmart, the market etc, I don't see myself doing it. I too just personally think it is gross to be potentially stepping on something I wouldn't care to i.e. spit and shit in the parking lot (can't always see it all), also it never fails, I Always have to go to the bathroom when I am out. Whether its a restaraunt or shopping, the bathroom floors are always disgusting and I just don't wish to be barefoot in those environments. I get you can navigate around it but not always. I'd rather not take the chance. For others that do it, such as on here obviously, my hats off to you. There is some envy sure. Maybe someday if I am in a beach town or something (as if that makes a difference). But yea, that is my pov.
I can understand your concerns about bathroom floors, maybe an answer would be to carry a pair of flip flops with you and slip them on when you go anywhere unsavoury. Also anyone seeing you would probably just think you had aching feet from wearing them and you were barefoot for that reason. Walking barefoot around a town or city centre is such a lovely, sensory experience, feeling all the different textures and surfaces underfoot that it is worth taking the small risk of walking through something unpleasant.
Walking barefoot around a town or city centre is such a lovely, sensory experience, feeling all the different textures and surfaces underfoot that it is worth taking the small risk of walking through something unpleasant. To which I say, YES!
OMG, I was exactly the same way, having a strong desire for woman's feet and shy about barefooting in public to the extreme. To me there's something kind of sexy about barefooting, the feeling is simply amazing. Flip flops were very instrumental to help rid myself the embarrassment of people seeing my feet and toes, especially the ladies. Your feet are exposed but you're shod at the same time. If fact, I've been told I have nice feet by several women, once while getting a pedicure. Eliminating by foot shyness has increased my confidence, I'm able to do activities that I once shunned and made myself a little more relaxed and greater sense of happiness.
Yea I have read quite a bit of your write-ups/stories. I think we have conversed some about the shyness. I am still in that phase but come a long way. I LOVE the feeling on my hikes especially when its rained out the day prior. I can't wait to hike in the fall when the ground is cool. Based on where I live and my expressed opinion, I don't think I will be barefooting in public places any time soon. I have slipped a flop off and felt the tiles in walmart a few times and as I knew it would be, it felt amazing. I am in the dilemma stage. Get foot shy in situations, but I hate wearing shoes and socks now. Just instantly my feet are like nope get em off! Lol
I feel like carrying a pair of flops would just be a hassle for what its worth. I would feel like walking into a place barefoot while holding flops lol. I am just not at that stage. I definitely know it feels amazing though. From time to time ill slip a flop off and feel the cool tiles at walmart. I do envy you guys for sure Lol
They have super sensitive shoe feet and every little pebble is a tragedy to step on. I see them at the beach trying to get back to their cars barefoot having a difficult time on pretty smooth surface compared to some of the roads around here. I had shoe feet too then barefoot running thing that came out I guess 15 years ago I read it and decided to see if I could adapt to barefooting. I did didn't run much but took longer and longer barefoot hikes and got better at it. Thats when I discovered how much of total scam shoes are, I never 'needed' them !! What I didn't know that was after healing my shoe feet back to normal/natural I would hate the feeling of wearing shoes again. But today like 100 degrees out and I see the shoe and sock people, they are crazy. I think barefooting would catch on more if all the articles promoting it stopped to explain how it kind of sucks at first but then how you quickly adapt and barefoot over most surfaces no problem. I didn't know till I tried.
I went to the seaside yesterday (Skegness), obviously I was barefoot all day, but it was surprising and a bit disappointing just how many people were wearing shoes even on the beach. I can't imagine walking on a beach in shoes, that's weird.