If all the Hamas will do, once there is peace, is to attack Israel again, why does Israel not just attack Palestine, until the Terrorists pestering them are caught, there is a clear sign of defeat, and they can no longer shoot rockets at Israel? Making peace negotions with people who clearly want to kill you is clearly not working, but just giving them time to plan their next attack.
Well, because Palestine is not just Hamas. There are other people living there too, including a shitload of civilians that have nothing to do with Hamas or fired rockets. Even if Israel would not care about those actual people, they do about the consequences of a full on attack on Palestine.
you are also forgetting that pretty much all Arab nations are the sworn enemies of Israel and would be very quick to enter the fray if Israel were to launch a full invasion.
Sure sounds like you lump all Arab Nations into one general description. You sound like a hate filled individual.
Awesome, I have a stalker!!!!!! No moron, but we are forced to make broad generalizations for the sake of ease of communication, plus all other Arab nations ARE the fucking sworn enemy of Israel. Where the fuck have you been for the last few thousand years that this animosity has been brewing. Remember it all started way, way back with Jacob and Esau. Brothers fighting over an inheritance.
I'm not sure the arab people were thinking anything of Jacob and Esau before the 7th century. So 'only' about 1300 years max.
Who still retain the Keys to the doors in Al-Andulus in the hope of one day returning? If we gave out stars out for grievance mongering they would get a five stars.
According to tradition/Jewish history/biblical accounts each had twelve sons that became the twelve differing nations/tribes of the Hebrews and the Arabs, though they didn't call themselves that in the OT, still the same groups. From the very beginning they were at war. When you read about the Hebrew issues in the OT, pretty much all the nations they fought with were descendant from those twelve sons of Esau. Sure the names and places have been changed here and there to protect the innocent, but when you brush away all the dust and boil it down, it is still the result of two brothers fighting over an inheritance. Why the hell do you think Israel is so adamant that that chunk of land is theirs? Goes all the way back to Abraham blessing his sons and Jacob being a sneaky fuck and stealing the inheritance from the first born son, Esau.
Yes, it may go all that way back for the jewish people but not for the arabs. They probably did not thought about any Abraham neither except if they took notice of the jewish religion (so most likely not many ). It is true that Abraham is now considered a prophet in islam as well but would he be considered anything like that or an archfather of the arabs prior to Mohammed?
In my mind it really isn't crucial, it is still the same overall groups of people throughout history. True, the modern Arab nations may or may not trace lineage/origination that far back, but it is when it all started. As I said, the names and places/faces may have been changed throughout history, but at the core it is still the descendants of those two brothers, if the history is to be considered accurate.
As an Atheist, I would and will NEVER look to the Bible or any other HOLEY [ misspelling intended ] book for actual answers to ANYTHING. The Koran is much worse. Flat out HATRED and a recipe for unending warfare. I have no respect for this religeous NON-SENSE. They all revel in HATRED. The one exception is portions of THE NEW TESTAMENT. That old desert God in all his MANY forms seems determined to create HELL on Earth and has done so many times for the most ridiculous reasons. Some woman took a bite of an apple and on and on. ...Oscar
From a different thread: A lot of the talk about this conflict is nothing but propaganda. If you or anyone else would like to get a good grasp of the modern events leading up to today, I suggest you read Pity The Nation by Robert Fisk. It's actually about the 1975-1990 Lebanese civil war but anyone who claims to know what caused the current situation without acknowledging that war is missing a substantial amount of information and history. Fisk was there and gives his unbiased account of the actual situation on the ground and how it was manipulated in the media even way back then. He gives a very detailed history of who the players were, what they did and how all of them have a lot of blood on their hands. Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Iraq, Israel, the US, the UN, the Palistinians, militant groups, religious groups, revenge killings, illegal weapons being used on civilians, massacres, etc. All of those things lead to the nearly inevitable situation that is going on now. If you know all of that history then you know that Israel has no intention of living up to any peace deal because any deal that doesn't end with the eventual eradication of the Palistinians and subsequent annexation of Gaza and the West Bank will likely end with Israel losing it's Jewish identity. The Zionist will not stand for that under any circumstances.
uhhh, whatever, remain in your ignorance on the topic then, but please don't pretend to know what the fuck you talking about concerning it for what it's worth, as a historical document, the Bible does have a lot of accurate info, but you wouldn't know that because you are apparently to ignorant to get past the pop culture representation of it and religion in general.
A lot of what goes on in that part of the world that is the fault of Israel doesn't get reported to the west or at all. We are given an altered perception of reality when it comes to the media. For us who aren't there we really don't know whats going on on either side.
Israel is the biggest terrorist nation on earth next to the US. When you control the media it's easy to portray the other side as the enemies and that you're only "defending" yourself.
While there may be some historically accurate things in the bible, the issue with using it as a historical record is that it is at worst, nearly impossible for it to be accurate about everything and at best.....even if everything in there was 100% accurate....it's incomplete. The stories in the bible were passed orally from generation to generation for quite a long time before they were ever written down. So certain books are attributed to their respective authors but that person never actually authored that book. Then, once everything was on paper, there were all sorts of different books. The church decided that it needed one version for everyone to follow. To do this, they had a big gathering of priests from different areas and they called it The Counsel Of Nicea which lasted from 330-333 AD. The counsel decided which books would be included and how they would be worded. Many books were deemed heretical and not included at all. Once the final version was accepted, it went through numerous translations and editings over the years. Some important things were changed. For instance...."Jesus of Nazareth". There is a debate about whether Nazareth ever existed or whether it was a tiny village with 3 or 4 houses. This is important because before he was Jesus of Nazareth he was Jesus the Nazarene. The Nazarene's were a gnostic sect of Christianity who were known for amazing healing abilities but also certain mystical beliefs that the church had no tolerance for. They were also known for their communal living and shunning of possessions. So it was convenient to make a slight edit and invent a place called Nazareth. Ok....that was kind of long but it shows how the bible has changed over hundreds of years and how it is too incomplete to be considered a 100% reliable historical document. On top of that, the events from the 1930's to present are much more relevant to the situation today than anything in the bible.