Why Does Dick Scare Me?

Discussion in 'Genitalia' started by Dal Justice, Jul 6, 2015.

  1. Dal Justice

    Dal Justice Members

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    Hiya! So this isn't to be rude or anything or talking bad at male genitalia. I'm being serious.

    So dick scares me.
    I'm a bi girl and I currently have a girlfriend, but I most definitely see myself marrying a guy in the future. Like a penis interest me in a non-sexual way. Like what is it like to have one and stuff like that, but at the same time its like ew, especially black dick (I'm sorry! Don't hate me! I'm black too!) And the thought of giving a blow job scares the mess out of me! And I know if I refuse my future husband is probably going to have an issue with that.
    The weird thing is that the female genitalia is a turn on. I think about tasting my gf's genitals a lot. And looking at it doesn't bother me. Maybe because I have it?
    Any way, is there a way to make myself not be grossed out by dick and make myself not be scared of giving a blow job one day?
    I'm being serious!
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  2. MikeE

    MikeE Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    It doesn't sound a whole lot like you are bi.
    It sounds like marriage to a man is somewhat of a goal of yours, perhaps not a desire. And you are scared of the things that meeting that goal will entail.

    "Your penis interests me in a non-sexual way" is not something that husband wants to hear from his wife.
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  3. Dal Justice

    Dal Justice Members

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    I promise I'm bi. I'm into guys, I just understand why this terrifies me. I don't mind having sex with a guy in future (still a virgin and plan to be for a long while) but whenever he ask me for a blow job, I don't think I can do it. Perhaps its because I haven't done it yet?
  4. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    yeah, i feel the same way. except i'm a guy and i don't claim to be bi.
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  5. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    Get a life-like dildo and try sucking on it
  6. Reverand JC

    Reverand JC Willy Fuckin' Wonka

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    Honestly I don't think you're bi. I think that you are really a lesbian. I think that you wanting to get married etc. is do to some type of pressure that you feel to conform and fit in. If you don't deal with those issues you will probably end up marrying a man only to leave him for a woman somewhere down the line. I've seen it happen a million times and usually the man in the situation gets hurt very badly from the situation.

    Rev J
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  7. cbcrazy

    cbcrazy Member

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    If you're scared of cock, you're a lesbo, it's quite as simple as that. Admit it and take pride in it.
  8. Psan

    Psan Members

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    It definetly sounds like you might be gay, but you'll know that best yourself. You're not very old either by the sounds of it?

    Contrary to what cbcrazy says i'm sure a lot of _straight_ young women have been scared of cocks before they've tried them. Just asyoung guys probably have found a vagina strange/scary at some point.
    Straight sex doesn't have to envolve sucking cock either, although it is bloody amazing.

    I guess the best thing to do IF YOU REALLY WANT TO, is find a guy you really trust, and take baby steps, with you being in control. Find a guy you like, and trust, explain the situation, and explore him at a pace you're comfortable with. Find out what a mans body and cock is like in real life, and you can decide what you want to do, and what you don't

    But then, what do i know? I'm a dude...

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