Why do they refuse to just build houses and end homelessness ?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by TheGreatShoeScam, Dec 8, 2019.

  1. TheGreatShoeScam

    TheGreatShoeScam Members

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    An Entire 3D-Printed Neighborhood Will Be Constructed in 24 Hours
    The secret project is happening in a mysterious location in Latin America.
    An Entire 3D-Printed Neighborhood Will Be Constructed in 24 Hours

    San Francisco spends more than $40000 per homeless person each year.

    Meanwhile you could build them 10 houses with $40,000

    So lets hear all the lame excuses for why they refuse to build houses and debunk them !!
    ZenKarma and DrRainbow like this.
  2. lode

    lode Banned

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    There is not a single bit of real estate in San Francisco that's anywhere close to $4000, and the construction of single family homes in a major urban center would be an absurd waste of space, both from an urban engineering and environmental perspective.

    That said, it is cheaper to house homeless than to pay for their care on the streets.
  3. TheGreatShoeScam

    TheGreatShoeScam Members

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    Less then 40 miles away there is well over 100 square miles with nothing but a few windmills.
  4. They might be worried about squatters trashing them
  5. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    The question would be at first: do the, in this example, San Francisco homeless folks wanna live there?
  6. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    Good idea... Move the homeless into a 100 sq mile tract of land 40 miles from anywhere, with no food/water/facilities/etc.

    Problem solved.

    Damn dude, that's fucking harsh.
    RetiredHippie and Running Horse like this.
  7. tikoo

    tikoo Senior Member

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    Oh , to build a clean green new city or a refugee camp ?
  8. RetiredHippie

    RetiredHippie Hick

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    Looks good on paper but how will it work in a real world application. How are these folks going to get water, electricity and sewer utilities? Who is going to pay for them? Who is going to maintain them? Many unanswered questions here. Yeah they look nice for a young couple without a family. How are they going to hold up? Is this pipe dream going to fly up here in the North Country where we have inclement weather?
  9. TheGreatShoeScam

    TheGreatShoeScam Members

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    There is a Walmart super-center right there on the edge of all that open space.


    I would rather be in a concrete home then camping on a sidewalk.
  10. TheGreatShoeScam

    TheGreatShoeScam Members

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    The whole idea is a place for people to "squat"

    They could be built "trash proof" a concrete structure to get out of the weather not new carpeting and fine furniture.




    WTF this is the USA !!!
    ZenKarma likes this.
  11. TheGreatShoeScam

    TheGreatShoeScam Members

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    Not sure but I found this,

    All those who love their husband or wife and feel safer together than separated as shelters do to couples…
    All those who work late nights and can’t get into a shelter…
    All those who work nights and have no option to sleep in a shelter in the day...
    All those who work early morning day labor and can’t get out of the shelter in time to work…
    All those women who are traumatized by male staff in the bunk areas waking women to kick them out…
    All those with pets or service animals who are rejected from shelters…
    All those who can’t conform to regimented rules…
    All those who can’t handle being ordered around and degraded by staff…
    All those with insomnia who can’t watch TV or read but must be in bed with no cell phones...
    All those who have stayed in a shelter program for ninety days with a promise of housing to no avail and given up on service providers…
    All those who have been kicked out at 3 a.m. for no fault of their own because staff failed to sign them in or enter their chores in the records…
    All those who need food in the night and fear being kicked out for keeping food with them in bed against the rules…
    All those who don’t want to sleep with bedbugs...
    All those suffering a drug addiction that can’t pass a urine analysis to stay in the shelters…
    All those don’t make it in the lottery to get a bed…
    All those who can’t get down on the floor to sleep on a mat…
    All those with more than two bags of belongings who either go into the shelter and lose their property, or stay outside to keep their property...
    All those trans-gender folks who have been abused in a shelter or forced to strip to prove their sex…
    All those who want their time back from waiting in lines for early admission hours to get into a shelter…
    All those who don’t want to be preached to by shelter providers…
    All those with mental health struggles who can’t handle being around hundreds of people in a tight space…
    All those released from the hospital at 1 a.m. onto the streets…
    All those physically unable to move about when police ask them...
    All those who feel safer staying outside with friends than in a building with strangers…
    All those who feel safer or happier staying by themselves on the streets than with hundreds of people in a shelter…
    All those who prefer the dignity of a tent to the warehousing and dehumanizing treatment of a shelter…
    All those who want control of their own life and choices…
    ZenKarma likes this.
  12. deleted

    deleted Visitor


    this was 1990. and probably still true today..
    ZenKarma and lode like this.
  13. Scarecrow13

    Scarecrow13 Members

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    Because in many cities it is illegal. People have actually done it but the government told them they couldn't.
  14. This just looks so familiar to me.

    Oh yea.......
    ZenKarma likes this.
  15. Here in australia you have squatters that trash abandoned homes and some of them will use them as drug labs.
    Saw some disgusting pics where drugged people had used the house as their toilet. Pots filled with urine, shit and spew could be seen as well as puddles of all three on the floors
  16. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    death camps?? Auschwitz ?? I thought the same thing, sort of..

    how move all people, not wanting to move, as asmo brought it up.
  17. Naaa, slave quarters in a northern state.
    Orison likes this.
  18. TheGreatShoeScam

    TheGreatShoeScam Members

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  19. hotwater

    hotwater Senior Member Lifetime Supporter

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    One week later after they steal everything in sight ............................

  20. hotwater

    hotwater Senior Member Lifetime Supporter

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    Don't suppose they could stay at Trump Tower? ...lol...

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