Why do some people Russia is the bad guy in this?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Emelina, Apr 18, 2014.

  1. Emelina

    Emelina Member

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    Seriously, the situation in Ukraine resembles what the CIA did to the Iranian people in 1953 and yet the corporate news media merely lets Obama get away with all his lies? Putin is the one who is trying to protect his nation from the sights of the USA/NATO/IMF and yet many Americans are brainwashed to believe that his is a new Hitler.

    The USA propaganda machine is impressive to say the least.
  2. fraggle_rock

    fraggle_rock Member

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    Yes, Putin the great hero who defends the Syrian regime (probably so he can sell them more weapons) and who invades parts of countries because he wants to hold obviously fair and legal referenda so that he can free the people-- it has nothing to do with the fact that the mafia-style capitalists in Russia want access to its resources.

    It's not as simple as Putin good Obama bad-- that's ridiculous.

    And Hitler DID hold a referendum before Germany annexed Austria, so in many ways it's a fair comparison.


    Of course, that doesn't mean that Russia is going to start exterminating people or committing genocide, but I really don't think it's a good idea to start lending legitimacy to the idea that nations can march armed troops into part of a country and then claim its resources and people as its own.

    It's bad when the US does it, and bad when Russia does it.
  3. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    I agree, but they still could learn a lot from the russian propaganda machine. And at least american journalists don't have to fear for their lives...

    The rest of your post sounds like you have been using mainstream russian news sources to get informed. Maybe try to get a well informed opinion by checking the full spectrum of available news sources :2thumbsup:
  4. Piney

    Piney Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    The crisis in Ukraine is not about Obama or Americans.

    in 1953 Mickey Mantle hit the longest home run in baseball history. Was anyone here around to experience it?
  5. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Perhaps OP is simply more concerned about 'brainwashed' americans rather than 'brainwashed' russians or the situation in Ukraine?
  6. OddApple

    OddApple Member

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    Too many Americans have just become infantile, dependent consumer bots. They will follow any propaganda that supports the rape and pillage of the world so they can text their bff and buy sexier clothes. You're talking about people that were already "less than zero" long before this started.
  7. StpLSD25

    StpLSD25 Senior Member

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    as you can probably tell, Fraggle is a hardcore Liberal, who doesn't see the hypocrisy of supporting man who kills children, while supporting him in wanting to kill man and attack a country, over him ALLEGEDLY killing kids, but America, France and, other countries were eager to take military action before an investigation was even conducted.

    The government's secrecy, war crimes and, attacks on US citizens should be evidence to any logical person, that Obama, and every other NWO politician, are completely detached from the general public, and have no remorse once or ever with regards to their violent actions against peaceful people. And Fraggle is just a Liberal, who will always believe that giving power to a few individuals is mandatory for Society to build and grow.

    Whereas, I believe as Thomas Paine did...

    “Some writers have so confounded society with government, as to leave little or no distinction between them; whereas they are not only different, but have different origins ... Society is in every state a blessing, but Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one.”
  8. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    I am not a fan of Putin or any world leader for that matter, but clearly Obama is the much bigger idiot in this instance. Russia is only protecting their interests. It's no different than what the US does every single day under the phony veneer of democracy. But at least people know Russia is corrupt, while there are still morons who believe the US is a free country and that its hypocritical actions are somehow justified.
  9. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Drop the bombs and let god sort em out.
  10. 6-eyed shaman

    6-eyed shaman Sock-eye salmon

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  11. fraggle_rock

    fraggle_rock Member

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    So wait-- Putin is bad for invading Ukraine and seeking to annex/'liberate' Crimea, but Obama is a bigger idiot for publicly stating this isn't okay and joining other nations in applying sanctions.

    Oh right, Obama hates freedom... and also some people (your neighbors? people at work?) probably think the US is a totally free country and their actions are always justified... therefore everything and everyone is shitty and deluded.

    Classic Pressed Rat.
  12. fraggle_rock

    fraggle_rock Member

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  13. fraggle_rock

    fraggle_rock Member

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    Jesus just give it a rest.
  14. StpLSD25

    StpLSD25 Senior Member

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    So, what do you think america and the UN should do? Send our young men to Ukraine to die for THEIR country?

    Russia is part of the UN and the power structure, so I',m NOT defending them. I think they're probably just as corrupt s London, or one of america's other foreign allies.

    But, I think the situation has also been blown out of proportion, with all this talk of the "Cold War." First of all, I haven't seen or heard of any physical attacks carried out by Russia. Secondly, all their troops that arent in Russian embassies or bases, do not have ammo in their guns.

    and that's a different scene than the "hostile takeover," The mainstream media is pretending we have.
  15. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    I saw physical attacks against ukrainian civilians carried out by ukrain russians. I guess the annexation doesn't go fast enough..

    America shouldn't do anything for all I care, UN however should do why they exist in the first place.
  16. StpLSD25

    StpLSD25 Senior Member

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    aahhh, but their troops are mostly all american...

    and btw, that also makes me question why Obama is mad at Russia for Occupying other countries, but Israel has been doing the same thing in Palestine for 40+ years, and they claim they wont make peace with them, because (according to Israels corrupt Prime Minister) "there are terrorists in Palestine, that hate Israel, and have called for it's destruction"

    Meanwhile, Israel is the real terrorists, between the 2; and, the fact that our government is always taking their side, despite the fact that they are tearing families apart through military occupation, reminds me, that our government doesn't care about Nation States or Sovereignty; They only get involved, when they have an agenda to push
  17. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Yes, those are matters of sides and alliances. But although you may have a point this thread should not be about Israel in any way.
    And if you are american I can understand you are coming from this from an angle involving your government/president's stance and possible decisions but really if you are asking to me "why is Obama mad at this or does that" in a topic like this I (as a dutch person) am inclined to say I don't give a shit. This matter is about the ukranian people primarily, and they are in the process of being massively screwed by Russia.
  18. odonII

    odonII O

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    This rings true (to me): Opinion: "The Kremlin believes the Obama administration makes each new foreign policy dispute into a personal dispute, as in Obama versus Putin. This formula treats leaders who agree with Obama as moderates and leaders who disagree as enemies. In the Kremlin's view of the century, Putin is neither a friend nor an enemy of the U.S. He and his allies are pursuing Russia's destiny at long last, after more than a hundred years of war, pestilence, famine and death." http://alj.am/1h34lsn US Secretary of State John Kerry has said that Israel risks becoming "an apartheid state" if there is no two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. His comments were published on Sunday by The Daily Beast news website, which obtained a recording of his remarks on Friday to the Trilateral Commission, a non-governmental organisation which includes senior officials and experts from the US, Western Europe, Russia and Japan. The website reported that senior US officials have rarely used the term in reference to Israel. | Read more: http://aje.me/1h4Sl9H
  19. StpLSD25

    StpLSD25 Senior Member

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    It's more than alliances. america helped to form today's Israel, we also supplied them with their Nukes and other arms (they pretend not to have.)

    We also helped create Israel, in a land that was 98% occupied. and MOST of todays Israel's land today, is stolen or occupied.

    and america does anything for Israel, including jumping into middle eastern wars.One has everything to do with the other, cause Israel is doing the exact same thing as Russia (and have been for forever.) and, there's an obvious difference in the way america treats each of them...

    I'm trying to show the hypocrisy in the US government. They're known to supply Jihadist with material resources, and other corruption, then, they turn around and pretend as if they are the "good guys," "Protecting the world." It's all part of the scam IMO

    Odon II- Got to go to work, but I'll respond to your posts later. I've read them, but, I will need to construct a response (which will take a min)
  20. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    I don't think you are saying anything new here. But like I said if you are going on about the U.S. in this thread, and especially about Israel (even if there may be some parallel), you are going off topic.

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