Haha. If you give me 3000 today, I will give you 10,000 tomorrow. Sound fair? Please send me the 3000 today and your bank account information. I promise to send the 10,000 tomorrow. God bless
Are you triggered? The problem with partisan politics is that people accept lies all the time. As long as it is coming from they side they have chosen to agree with.
I don't know if it's just sensitive people. Most of the people I've known who have complained about liars have been other liars.
Is this a joke thread? in general people respect being treated well, it's not really rocket science, liars lie and it's hurtful.
I bet you're also one of those people who don't like being bullied for possessing a different opinion, and dislike people who talk out of their ass on important issues?
I actually have came into a lot of money and no problem with 1 million I feel very generous stellar. But if you could kindly deposit the 3000 I’d appreciate it.
I thought so. I got the ass-burger so the subtle nature of typed humor often escapes me. Espeicly when it's typed how some people actuly speak now. The whole it's bad to have emotion line of thinking.
OK, I'll take your word for and deposit the money immediately, because I'm a real fucking man with balls and that means I take risks and don't look back.
That’s great. I really appreciate you doing this. I know you’re a man of your word. You should be receiving a FedEx package tomorrow morning at in the package will be the $1 million check
After you receive the check go ahead and deposit 3000. As soon as the 3000 is deposited I’ll go ahead and release all the funds. Congratulations you are now a Millionaire
What are you talking about sister? this world is a Paradise. Breezy winds and sunshine. Families getting together, True peace and security
Thank you. And if I get scammed on this I won't bitch about it like today's sissies so called "men" do. Instead I'll suck it up and deal with it by myself like a man and tell no one, because I love America.