I am sick of the war in iraq. Tired of hearing about and at the same time feeling grief for the many deaths and humans being tortured and killed on both sides. Its funny how the americans demonize the iraqs who don't want them there. Also sick of the americans saying they are there to bring freedom and peace etc. When the truth is that its a cloak to what they are really doing. They want a foothold in the middle east. Put up a puppet goverment to serve there wishes not the peoples. Its all about money and control.
*sigh* Here we go again.... Some people thing that Bush is a big bad bear because he declaired war against Iraq. We, The United States Of America, gave Iraq tons of chances to leave us alone but they never did, therefore, they asked for it. War has been going on for millions and millions of years now.... It's not like we want the war, or anything stupid like that, it's just that sometimes war is the only way to get points across people's narrow minds. It's our country's problem, not yours. Get over it.
Well new here, this post should be in a different forum. But i have to respond by saying that yes i live in Canada, but you have to realize that when America goes to war it affects us Canadians. So its our problem also friend.
Brothersun...I totally understand where you are coming from Renee..Bush has always been a dumbass through his intire term of being president. And doesnt know whats good for anyone but himself..
Pfft, they're not even helping with the war, how does it effect you?... I thought Queen Elizibeth took care of you guys.
Hmm...so exactly how did Iraq "never" leave you (the U.S.) alone...we bombed then from Gulf War 1 to Gulf War 2, cheated them (the citizens) out of a decent life (with apparent help from the inside it seems, with revelations of UK ministers having something illicit to do with the Oil for Food programme, which by the way is like saying "Hi, we went to war with you to punish you for your greed, now we want your highly lucrative national resources in return for a base standard of life, mmkay, that ok for you?") War is not eternal. The first civilisation (the Mayans, who we all could learn a lot from) went 1000 years without war, not through lack of competitors, they just used logic and reason to sort out their foreign policy. WHAT!?! Logic and Reason? Oh my, aren't you glad we've progressed soooo much Oh yes, and the US actions affect the entire world, especially when your dunce of a leader puts the fear of economic and coersive (right spelling?) pressure on other UN clubmembers to support him. What was that about narrow minds?
actually if you guys remember we are not at war.....the war was declared over months ago.....but i totally get where you are coming from...bush is a jackass, always has been and always will be....hell o would make a better prez than what he is and i really don't like politics all that much....every once in a while i will give my opinion and most of the times it is an irrational one.....as for the 'war' we just need to give our support to the troops that have to be over there fighting for what we as americans believe in.....there is nothing else that we can do about it because our opinion never counts enough for anything, right?
I don't like that word! *grinds teeth* Just tell me the reasons... That's all I'm saying. I have my own but I'm too sweet to tell them. *angelface* lol
Well yes Canadians have no troops in Iraq. The P.M. made a very tough decision not to send troops to an illegal aggression on another country. And believe he heard it from the opposition parties about his decision. They were so afraid of the backlash they get from the American goverment. I am also proud of the fact that when westerners are in the middle east alot claim to be Canadians. And i guess if the queen took care of us we would be at war in Iraq along with the british. But believe me the war does affect us over on this side of the border. Our economy is connected. And our citizens also get abducted. Oh well i just wish it would end. Unfortunatley the Americian goverment will find some other axis of evil to invade for our security and our childrens. So we can all life in peace under the watchful eye of the goverment.
Wars effect the world. The world is a place where people live. Unless your our enemy... then we wont let you live. This war is all over the news and in other countries its MUCH worse than the fluffed version we get. Ask them
idiotic? Nah, bush ain't idiotic, or retarded. He's silly, and thinks too much of himself and his country. Yes, Wars affect the world. It's quite a shame coming from one young (and supposedly innocent) to hear such language as "unless your our enemy - then we won't let you live" or whatever. If you actually think that there is an urgent human need to be able to kill other people to prove our belief in "freedom" than you are as fucked up as any dictator - its the same inherent belief that somehow hurting someone else for the sake of anything else but personal defence is justifiable. That's aimed at both "sides", if we're really as polarised as we're supposed to be, eh. I think we should just fuck this war, soldiers and all. Tell them (whoever it is ) your CO's, your major or sargeant or teacher or Patriotic Supporter #1 who will vote for bush again and again that he's a MORON who isn't dumb, who wants world domination for the U.S. and he's willing to kill and torture and exploit AND LIE THROUGH HIS TEETH using the Media and everything in his power to do so. If you're prepared to die for something, let it be for freedom and love. Don't look for it, put out positive energy and it will come back. Put out negative, and it will comeback also. The world needs some loving, not more hurting.