Well, even Christians do immoral things you know.. I'm sure hip comes in to that catagories.. But religion it's self can be immoral, and unlawful, so I wouldn't have nightmares about it.. More wars have been caused by religion than anything else.. Though shall not kill.. makes me heave! God's kingdom? Your place in heaven? Doesn't god forgive all? Suffer little children to come unto me! I have a disabled granddaughter, if I thought he was to blame, I would blast that God to heaven!
More people have been slaughtered in the name of Jesus than have ever been killed in the name of Satan.
I am not promiscuous. I do not indulge in drugs. I help old ladies cross the street. I do not kill--not even big nasty bugs. I give to the poor when I can. I donate plasma, twice a week, every week. I am active in my community, I was raised in the church, refuse to hold grudges, believe in the sanctity of marriage, and despite compiling this list, like to think of myself as humble. But depending on which Bible you read, I am immoral *shrugs*
A more interesting question would be why do non christians do moral things. Or why do sincere believers do immoral things (when they really accept the general conviction christians attach to it)? Most righteous words spoken in this thread (so far) :cheers2:
I never can tell when things are all part of gods plan. It seems he’s cool hanging out in the sky, invisible, and watching things he could easily prevent - war, famine, disease, etc. But if a gay person wants rights, all of a sudden we need congress and laws to stop what I would have thought was also part of this master plan. Honestly it strikes me as rather half-assed
I've tried the church thing, the group study/worship thing long ago. Basically it's an opportunity for hippocrits to show those who are not meant to fit in, just how wonderful and special they as a group are. Want proof? Go to one for a few months, then try to date one of the ladies. You'll find out she is very special, the pride of the group, and you'll think "WTF was I thinking?" And you'll never forget it. Nor will you ever want to see these people again. I have my own in-crowd. I don't need no stuck up special group of wonderful people to feel spiritual.
Sin means to "miss the mark" and it is not an action or lack thereof, it is a condition that humans are currently in at this level of spiritual evolution. all the "bad" stuff are merely symptoms of this condition. Nowhere does the Bible declare that being a Christian precludes a person from doing "bad" stuff, just that we should strive to not do bad stuff. Nor does it declare that doing "good" stuff is an automatic ticket into "heaven". Motives and intention are the things that determine whether or not something is of eternal spiritual value. Actions are by and large meaningless in the grand scheme of things that comprise the spiritual aspect of our existence. To understand the whole mess one needs to consider it from a much grander time scale than just our current condition spanning the last 10-20 thousand years and also project far into the future of our overall spiritual growth as eternal, spiritual beings derived/created of the same essence as God and destined to be reunited as one when this current journey/growth cycle is complete. Hell is simply "missing the mark" within this current cycle and having to repeat another cycle in this dimensional reality and gaining further growth and experience/awareness. "I believe in the Kingdom to come when all the colors bleed into one"
I'm not judging anybody I'm just saying the people that slaughtered people in the name of Jesus are misled.
LOL... the very nature and premise of this thread indicates you are a very judgmental person and operate under the assumption that you are "right" while all those who believe differently are not and therefore deserving of your judgement. what arrogance and naivete. When it comes to what a "real" Christian is and how they should be, you have lost the plot my friend.
Human Nature is not perfect. For Christians or non-Christians. Everyone falls short of perfection at some time. For anyone to think otherwise is foolish. Non-Christians might be more prone to do immoral things from a lack of caring.