well, i know some who shower to warm up the muscles...however, that can be fixed with a proper active warm up maybe you don't want to smell?
Yeah maybe it's vanity, but I don't really sweat much at all, and what comes out of my pores smells like daffodills away. Some women put on so much makeup to workout it's ridiculous.
those ladies aren't really doing much anyways for the most part haha - they want to look cute...and then they get mad when guys want to look at them
i do ignore them...but then again, they're usually never even close to where i am in the gym, so i only see them when i go for water breaks or do somethign in the hall with DBs
Washing your hands before you take a piss actually isn't a bad idea (if you're a guy). Especially if you're out in public and have been touching a lot of things. There are a lot of germs out there!
ya. like wiping your ass before you take a shit. or thinking before you speak. none of which make sense.
a girl gets noticed - in my eyes - when shes lifting heavy...so i go over and smack her ass and say good job
I make it a point to be unshowered when I go to the gym. The best feeling ever is going from horribly unclean, to a line from an outkast song. ^_^
I don't usually wash my hands after I take a piss, unless I piss on myself, which is a pretty rare thing. The only thing I touch is my zipper anyway, and there ain't no cooties on there. And I don't ever touch any flush handles cept maybe to kick em with my foot.
hhaha fitz you do NOT smack their asses. Thats so hilarious to visualize. I dont go to the gym because I cant afford it. Ive been doing free weights workouts at hom to this video. its amazing and i love it. my butt is gonna be so tight hahaha
i do smack a few girls asses. they are girls i know. haha i wouldn't do it to a random girl ahah i like leaving a chalk handprint :tongue:
I don't have the money for a gym membership right now. When I used to go I never showered before mainly because I would run over there on my way home from school. I always shower after a workout. I hate feeling sweaty.