Hi everyone, Just gotta say "I love bong hits" I like vaping weed also, but prefer vaping oil. But, Why do bongs get me so much higher than vaping ? J
Interesting question I'll never stop smoking bongs... I surf and I feel the bong keeps my lungs expanded ✌❤
I prefer smoking out of a bong. I own 4. I'm using the big one right now. As for why. Probably because you get more out of it then vape. I've done vape myself. It only last an hour and then life is normal again. My high last for hours after hitting the bong.
Bongs. I want to get technical and talk about how the water helps cool the smoke so that it won't burn your throat when you inhale it. In fact, until I ran out of ice, I was putting ice in the water of my bong. I was an acrylic fan - I've broken a glass bong by accident if memory serves, and I didn't want to deal with that hassle and end up smoking my pot out of a soda can with push-pin holes poked through the aluminum fashioning it into a pipe. No, I chose acrylic and was satisfied. I don't know but suspect after some use they become tarnished from the smoke stains and resin, but I suspect the same is true of glass; though I know there are products for cleaning pot smoke off of glass - and probably better ones now that marijuana is at least medically-legal most places... My thinking is if there's a way to make smoking safer or more comfortable, I'm for that. But the reality for me is that it's not good for me so I just don't anymore. With schizophrenia, my doctor swears, yes, swears, that it's adverse due to the psychoactive reactions. I noticed what he was talking about when I was still taking edibles in 2016 or '17, and so I stopped doing even that. And I'm fine with it, though I regularly catch myself considering the dispensary...
I remember when the first bongs hit the market about 50 years ago. They were introduced by soldiers returning from Vietnam, where the locals made them out of bamboo. Naturally we Americans took the original design and refined it, made it out of plastic, porcelin and glass. I have a 12-inch bong with 2 chambers and an ice catcher. Problem is I don't have the lung capacity I used to. By the time I'm ready to lift out the carb my lungs are already full! I need to sell this one and get a smaller one!
I avoided bongs, mostly for the same reasons. They were big and required lots of lung power to get a bowlful down. So lots of green ends up in the water, and lots of smoke wasted. So I've preferred small water pipes for the filtration. But after my last one broke, I found the perfect small glass bong. So easy to clean with a toothbrush, which just reaches the bottom. So with smaller hits, little waste. I use a screen, so I don't need to remove the bowl.
I've been primarily using a bong since I saw my first one at a head shop in No. Virginia called Trucker's Stop about 1970. They had a bunch of bamboo ones and an acrylic one. It was just called "The Bong" and came with instructions on how to properly take a hit. The biggest problem most people have is using a bong too big for their lungs or taking too big of a hit. I'll try to remember details of the instructions and post them. If you hit a bong right, it is by far the best way to smoke.
I agree. I remember "The Bong". The instructions said always take 3 hits in a row for good luck. Of course, back then most stuff that was readily available was leafy Mexican. Probably 3-5% THC, not the high quality stuff of today.