My daughter just told me that I had kids so I could have more money. That's obviously one of the most hilarious things ever. When I told her that's not why I had kids, she was surprised. She asked me why of course and I said so I could have someone to love. I know people had lots of kids back in the day and part of it was I suppose because children were property and you had someone to work from you when they were maybe 8 years old. But do people do that anymore?
I have a dog because I can't have kids. My dog is an asshole so maybe I'm better off not having kids.
I had kids so that I'd have someone to love me and be grateful I'm their mom, and be my best friend and like to do things I like to do.. HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!! so NOT. Um..yeah. Kids are born with their own agendas..not yours, and they are FAR from grateful..for anything. You don't do enough, you aren't as good as so and so and you're ruining their lives! Good thing kids are VERY, VERY cute to make sure adults will put up with NO SLEEP, their houses being trashed, no money, no time, then they grow up and tell you to go to H_ ll and run off. But later they might come back and be friendly once they have to pay their own bills and take care of themselves. Good thing I had no idea, or I wouldn't have had any. :sunny:
I don't have kids and i don't think i want kids either... Not my own anyway. Maybe i'll adopt. But who knows. Maybe my maternal instincts will kick in and i'll end up having kids...
I have kids because I've always wanted them. The first was planned, the second was a surprise. Both are loved more than life itself.
I don't have any children. Sometimes I really want them and sometimes I think that I am being selfish. To me, everyone wants kids for inherently selfish reasons. Part of the time it seems irresponsible to bring MORE children into this crazy, overcrowded world. Especially if you can't afford them. If I have a very secure career, a stable home, and a lot of money...I might have a child or two. I wouldn't want to bring any more children into a poor and unstable home. I work with children and see too many parents who can't provide for their kids, physically or emotionally.
It is amazing to me that people really do have more kids to get more money from the government..I actually kinda knew a girl who had 10 kids, huge food stamps, welfare, free medical/dental, housing..she said she had planned to have more..holy shit
I never really planned to have kids. I actually assumed I would never have kids. I'm glad I did though. It really changed my life for the better. I always assumed I wouldn't have kids because I was too fun loving and irresponsible. Now I'm super responsible and I'm still fun loving, which is a pretty decent recipe for a good parent.
they are only entitled to 150 dollars a month EBT. 50 additional dollars for each child. varies from state to state. but thats usually what it amounts too. how free is free housing, when the neighborhood claims the lives of your loved ones? how free is free medical when they allow a child to choke on their own blood during a tonsillectomy?.
I agree...Free sucks! especially when it comes to medical care, but some people are cool with that I guess
Yeah those free government benefits are often more trouble than they're worth. Especially the medical. And it's hardly much money for food, so they have to do some serious budgeting or end up eating a lot of junk(which they often do) and then have worse health on top of that. I knew one woman who had a lot of kids too, the father wanted her to have tons of kids and they actually put their kids to work as models. I'm not sure why she continued to want kids, since she was already in bad health and they were both on disability. He also already had at least 4 other kids. Eventually the doctor told her to have her tubes tied, but that was after 4 kids in about 5 years.
Yeah, that's what i think too. The world is too crazy and overcrowded. And there are so many unfortunate kids, that if i ever get to be really rich, i would rather adopt.
I had children for the selfish reason that I knew I would be a good mom and would love them to little bits. So far my selfishness has paid of with two great young adults who are good people. The best decision I have made in my life.
never have and don't ever intend to. when i was younger i thought about raising them, but never went out of my way to have any. too many humans on earth already to need any more from me.
Once upon a long ago, I was talking to a friend, he said "I'm not having kids, I'm not having them growing up an living in a World like this" I replied "well for me, I want kids, so they can change the world"