Some day it will all be a distant memory. But while it is still fresh in our minds, why on earth did FBI Director James Comey apparently want Donald Trump to win the 2016 presidential election? I think we can all agree he stepped out-of-bounds, with his "October surprise". And he very well may have resulted in Mr. Trump winning. And I am in the right forum for it too, "Conspiracy". Because Mr. Trump might end up blowing up the planet. (In case you didn't know, he pointedly asked the intelligence agents who were debriefing him, why we don't just use the nukes, if we have them.) But here's what I'm getting at: Could Comey be a "Reptillian"? I mean, I know David Icke thinks all the world leaders are. And that could explain why Comey wants to blow up the world. To make way for the coming invasion. I probably am wrong. I certainly hope I am wrong, now, i.e., that Mr. Trump might blow up the world. What do the rest of you think? :toilet:
did the ursoid deficate in the forrest? duh. but reptillian? wtf is with all the "reptillian" bs. because imaginary reptillian star travellers might resemble someone's dark childhood fantasy? gotta have someone to h8? y u h8 e.t. could it possibly a kind of collective subconsious guilt trip for how control of the western hemisphere was robbed from people already living here and still are? personally i'm ratehr fond of magic wielding sapient space going cat-weasils. but not if they were to violate 'the prime directive", which for any governmant that wanted to be trusted would have to include something resembling honest reason and impartiality. yes i believe comey failed the responsibilities of his office. something i see no reason to assume a cat or a dragon would be any more likely to then what the republican party has allowed itself to become.
why do mafia dons want there to be a mafia? which raises other questions such as are we even asking the right ones? the emergent phinominon of collective mass psychology is in play here some how, and i'm certainly no authority on it. asamov had some ideas and so did maxwell maltz. rand had some ideas too, though hers/its, were mostly bullshit. it is a good question though. i'm not entirely sure why anyone wanted trump. i doubt i'll ever understand humans well enough to answer that. many people are frustrated and maybe they somehow convinced themselves that any change would be better then no change. this is more likely then not to prove a very big mistake, but then that's a seperate question too.