If I was ever convinced that the Christian god exists, then I would become a theistic Satanist. The Christian god is not a god I would ever worship, for he is a controlling, pompous, sexist, homophobic, narcissistic, psychopathic tyrant. Ave Satanas!
More or less, I have known a lot of christians, catholics, jehovas, and I used to attend Mormon bible studies for my own good knowledge and intrigue. I have found that. God gave us the power of thought, you can think of him whatever you like; he does not give a flying fuck.
Aliens left the bible here to keep us in order. We are their experiment...LOL One would think they would have made the god a much kinder one, though.....anyone with a brain can see through that shit....I am not into Satan worshipping, either.... I don't worship...period.
[/QUOTE]I take it you're a fundamentalist. The God I worship doesn't have any of these characteristics. In the Bible, Satan seems to be the one most tuned in to "flaws" in humans. Be careful what you wish for!
i don't think any belief should be prostituted like you would a fuller brush. its always between each of us, and that we see as being hidden, mysterious, magical. i don't like to talk about religions like christianity, because they get so much so self conflictingly wrong. they needlessly narrow and stifle the wonders of infinity, denying what is beyond our imagination, to appeal to the ego's demand to claim to know all. but beliefs, even god or gods, these are entirely a different thing then what people try to tell each other about them.
But are beliefs in the operations of historical traditions, even bank money systems occurring for the improvable morals of Angsted decisions. Take Japan's money supply, talked about with action on the their money market. The tradition of Capitalism is sound for talking as well as ascertaining scientific judgement in various business propositions.
I love what you wrote here. It is as I feel....to limit oneself to anything is to miss the infinite possibilities......
I'll correct the story of the \garden of Eden. Adam was told He was destined to Die; then Eve was told of eternal Life for the great act actually eating the forbidden fruit. God you'all see had this deliberately arranged for Satan. Satan corobberated with God's all encompassing all-knowing plan. God was all satisfied to this Day for everything that went right or wrong. To this day man has the free will to not know or understand Him, and merrily go along with the fool (fooling).
and i will correct your correction: the art of bullshitting is many times older then the technology of reading and writing. there is no KNOWLEDGE of the existence of any non-physical thing. (and that includes any so called "satan") only the knowledge that such things are perfectly capable of existing. precisely because, they cannot be detected by physical means. adam was not the first human person, but the first human person who tried to tell every other living human person what to think. eden was not one place, but the entire land mass of the planet. and humanity was not kicked out of it, but trashed the place itself. and it remains up to us to shop doing so. the point of the story as told, was to not do your own logical thinking, (that is what the 'fruit' of that tree was. remember what the tree was named?) but to let some invisible 'god', do it for you. the problem with that, is that there is no morality without the avoidance of causing harm. and there is no avoidance of causing harm, without the use of logic and reason.
QUOTE: "...and there is no avoidance of causing harm, without the use of logic and reason." Will this one cause harm?: Adam was the first person in the Higgs field. Of course, he was determined there by the objective idea of what he was at experience of, the fermi-dirac distribution.
people "proselytize" because they are insecure about their own beliefs. so if they can convince enough other people to share them, well, if everyone believes it, it has to be true. that's ego. they convince each other they're doing the world a favor by doing so. in some sense, potentially, if everyone were motivated by their belief to be universally considerate without exception, they would be at least partially justified. but is this what happens? of course not.