When I ask, I don't mean on the planet or in the universe, but why are you still in/on HipPlanet/Hip Forums? I have had periods of departure (started here when this website offered email). Then I left and when I came back for a look-see, many of the people who were my daily lifelines had vanished. It's a temporal site. The few people who had meant anything to me here who had agreed to 'be' in my life, have connected with me through other sites (email or un-named social media accounts) for more personal exchanges. I stay here for the occasional blog entry (not much into writing in my notebook), or to ask a question, or to posit. I don't share too much that is life affirming. Besides, at 63, this leftist has not so much in common with younger folks who are more concerned with their next meal or next sexual encounter.
I discovered hipforums very recently. I am here for friendly chat. If I come across new friendships I will take it, but I don't believe that is going to happen. I like the word games and flirting. I sometimes can get into deep conversations but on social media it is not an effective thing to do. In general a forum would thrive if all members stay connected in the forum without resorting to other forums/apps
habit and curiosity. every once in a while there is something at least semi-interesting, and certainly more so then anything on the fifty channels of cable where i live provides. well that goes for the internet in general too. and even making things on the computer without getting on line.
Well etherea, I for one am happy you did return. I enjoy our talks. I am still here, changed my name a few times... used to be HipChris... but I thought that was pretentious... so I became ZenKarma and that was even more so...and now I am Zen... simply that... easy to type and spell The rotating cast of characters here at Hippyland aka HipForums is endlessly fascinating! Oh my, this place boomed during the 90s and early 2000s... then Fakebook turned the world on its ear. And that begat a horde of other options too delicious and exotic to NOT check out... we all did that... even myself. But none of them offer the sense of a free-wheeling community of thoughtful souls as this does. That is mostly why I am still here...
Free-wheeling community of thoughtful souls is how I saw and loved this site. Maybe just me but I really thought that that ethos got lost somewhere along the line. I am still undecided if there is enough of that spirit still here to keep me from wandering off again. You know me Zen. I just say what I see and hope not to offend. Doen't always work out like that though
I have to agree that the intellectual norm around here has fallen off lately, but so has the countries' overall. Still it's one of the best places to debate even if the debates seem to round around in circles pretty often.