Why are we ashamed for our bodies?

Discussion in 'Sex Polls' started by JanaXGIRL, Aug 25, 2005.

  1. JanaXGIRL

    JanaXGIRL Senior Member

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    Hm, why? I mean.. A lot of people around me are like: "noo, I can't go swimming... ahhaaa, if you saw me in swimsuit.. no, rather not!" or "noo, not so shirt skirt, I have horrible legs"..

    Is everyone so ashamed? :p
  2. wiggy

    wiggy Bitch

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    not like that im not, i wouldnt even say ashamed is the right word, i would use unhappy maybe, but am i unhappy naa not at the moment. everyone gets days when they are fat, thin, ugly. but today im perfect lol
  3. FunkyPhreshMama

    FunkyPhreshMama Visitor

    for me it was something i had to get over. from 12 untill 20 i was completely uncomfortable with the way i looked, people said i looked anorexic, but i just could not put on weight................ i even had some bitch at the fair when i was 12 come up and ask me if i was a boy or girl. wtf?? i had no boobs at all untill i had kids and i was kinda self concious about that too in school cuZ i felt like everyone got boobs but me [​IMG] but I finally came to terms with the way I look, it's me and it isnt going to change.............................................................

  4. Therefore...

    Therefore... Antidentite

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    I'm definitely comfortable with my body. For the most part, we're our own worst critics. Most of the time, when someone is worried about the way they look, they blow things out of proportion and think that something is worse than how other people preceive it.
  5. ZePpeLinA

    ZePpeLinA Jump around!

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    nah i just dont care anymore... recently on my hols in spain I saw big fat women topless on the beach...did they look like they care? no, so why should i? why should anyone care?

    so, despite previous thoughts along the lines "i wont take a swimming suit cos i look fat" i went straight into a beach shop and got myself a tiny bikini!! first time ever...and i looked gorgeous..

    I am not a 6' tall, skinny little blonde with huge boobs (which is suposedly the "ideal" look isnt it?) but i feel so hot cos i'm unique and everyone should feel that way.
  6. Wicked Penetration

    Wicked Penetration Member

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    Because I have chub I'm in the process of losing and I don't like it there :p
  7. JanaXGIRL

    JanaXGIRL Senior Member

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    ok.. so still to me...

    I guess I'm content with my body.. I don't think I'm some super duper chick :D but I'm not ashamed for it.. :)
  8. Weeble

    Weeble Member

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    I'm not really ashamed of my body but I know I'm a bit overweight. I have a bathingsuit that I do wear but I wouldn't put on a bikini at my size either. I'm more self concious about it then ashamed. I'm big enough that certain types of clothes just make me look bigger then I am so I stay away from them because they aren't flattering.
  9. benj

    benj Member

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    I'm not at all ashamed of my body, but I'm always trying to improve it by keeping fit and working out.
  10. Libertine

    Libertine Guru of Hedonopia

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    People only ashamed of our bodies due to our social conditioning.
  11. FallenFairy

    FallenFairy Senior Member

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    i am sooooo uncomfortable with the way my body looks. i have stretch marks everywhere a big stomach, my hips are much wider, and no matter what i do i cant lose this baby fat. i try to keep my body covered up out of embarassment. i refuse to wear a 2 piece or even a one piece swimsuit, i dont wear shorts cuz i have stretch marks all over my upper thighs. ever since i got pregnant and my fiancee refused to look at me let alone touch me in any way i just lost all confidence in myself even after i had my son i still have 0 confidence.
    but the other day i got to see a long time friend who is also an ex boyfriend from my hometown and the entire time i was talking to him i felt soooo good about myself and so confident. but as soon as he left i went right back to 0 confidence.
  12. FallenDreamer

    FallenDreamer Member

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    No, not really. Everyone has that moment of slight yuk but mostly I think whatever, nothing I can do. 'Perfect' is not happening and I'm proud of it!
  13. ihmurria

    ihmurria fini

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    I'm not ashamed, but I am frustrated by parts of my body.... but no one's body is completely perfect, and since we deal with it 24/7 we can always find the minor faults...

    I think a lot of our discomfort comes from society... all the magazines and the famous bodies that are so different from most people's, so unattainable for most people's physiques. It makes us feel uncomfortable. All the beauty products, the diet products, the workout shit.... it drives me crazy, it tells us that to be happy, we need to buy stuff to make ourselves pretty

    arrrrg. sorry, I just saw "Beauty Quest" last night and it's still fresh in my mind.
  14. DuskBreeze

    DuskBreeze bye bye !

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    I am not ashamed of my body. I have tried to look after it. Its not perfect, but I will continue to work on it ;)
  15. Aerosolhalos

    Aerosolhalos Member

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    Yeah. I'm pretty uncomfortable with my body, I don't know why really.. I've lived in my head all my life, the physical aspect of existing just seemed weird to me. I won't go swimming. It took me until about early May to stop wearing coats. I do, however, dance like an ass with my friends when I'm in an insanely good mood.
  16. Libertine

    Libertine Guru of Hedonopia

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    It's all social conditioning. It's pure shit.
  17. willowbaby89

    willowbaby89 Member

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    It really sucks how im ashamed of my body, I even refuse to have sex unless its dark in the room, its really not my fault i have poor body image*points at her father* blame him !!!! *runs away*
  18. Libertine

    Libertine Guru of Hedonopia

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    You people are pathetic. Just love yourself for cryin' out loud!

    Fucking superficiality... I give the fuck up!

    *throws hands up in frustration*
  19. bohemianchild

    bohemianchild Member

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    Q: Why are we ashamed for our bodies?
    Ans: celebrities and the media (boooo!)
  20. bohemianchild

    bohemianchild Member

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    My advice wud be ditch ur fiance and hook up with ur ex. Then ur fiance might realise just how wonderful u really are and how much he misses u. U dont know what u got til its gone.

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